Sarah J

Well, think about how dangerous the fluffy little housecats are. My cat is the sweetest cat I've ever had, but he gets playful and he likes to pretend my hands and feet are rats or mice. I get pounced on all the time at night. I have little scratch marks at all times on my arms... now I'm imagining if my cat were ten

i lived with a girl whose big dream was to be a cop but worked in shop security. she brought this skinny silent little dude home one night to bang, it turned out he was some shoplifter she had nabbed at work. i assume that was just how they had met, not that she was coercing the poor lad....i hope

YES! My six year old daughter knows I want to hug big cats sooo baaad. Tigers, cougars, lions, I'm not picky. She just sighs and tells me I can't because they'll claw me and bite me, and I'll bleed, and maybe die. She is the small-child equivalent of your parents. It's great that she is looking out for me and all, but

Horsetachio gave you/us a good answer, but check out the Fishing Cat, which averages 11 - 35 lbs. (i.e., not much bigger than a domestic housecat):

That one did some squeaky mews, and they all did much adorable camera-snootling, and I was just about lulled into d'awww preshush giant keedees! mode when every single one of them went off all I WILL FUCKING SLAUGHTER THAT MEATBALL GIVE IT BITCH. Eeep. Poor beautiful things, at least they were rescued from a life

Offhand, it might depend on the species of cat. Domestic cats are descended from the African wildcat (they pretty much just look like large housecats, domestic cats didn't evolve much when compared with wolves —-> dog breeds), which is largely a desert animal. Other wild cats have greatly different habitats than that.

The cliche is that little girls all want a pony, but I wanted a big cat. A tiger, or a lion or whatever, I wanted one SO BAD. To sleep in my bed, all giant paws and purring and huge. I would love it and take care of it and we'd be bffs for life. Sigh. My parents were so mean and never got me one.

They're only in cages (with doors open) at feeding time. It looks like they trained them to go into the crate and they would be fed there. Probably a good way to track how much they eat, make sure they're all eating, and get them meds if needed. The rest of the time it looks like they've got a large area to roam

Yes. Big Cat Rescue (where this video was shot) are all rescue cases that could not survive in the wild. They didn't belong in the dickwad's basement they were found in (or whatever miserable situation it was), and now at least they have a half decent life. Be warned if you plan to visit-big cat smell is horrific.

I do, too, but this is a sanctuary, so I don't think they're in there all the time, and they probably came from way worse situations.

It's a rescue for big cats that were kept as "pets". None of them were wild-captured & cannot be released. If they weren't with BCR, they would most likely be dead.

An opportunity for a zoo story! We raised two cougar cubs and they are THE CUTEST BABY ANIMALS EVER. They also chirp like that, and they do it when they see you after an absence, and they also purr, and they have spots, and they have insanely violet-coloured eyes!

All I can think while watching this is how much these cats act like my fluffy little housecat.

I love you, Lindy, and those animals are beautiful but but I didn't hear anything but danger scary run away sounds.

It's the same logic that says horror movies makes girls SUPER VULNERABLE AND THEREFORE HORNY. Real life horror must therefore invoke a sexual response so powerful he was likely insulted she didn't start tearing off his clothes immediately.

"I've never seen someone read a book before."

In college we rented apartments by the room. So, instead of having an apartment that's $1500/month, we rented a room for $350/month. We shared the common space. I guess this makes sense so you don't have to rely on shitty immature college kids getting their rent in on time. You just had to be concerned about your own.

I had a subletter that tried to convince the landlord that I was a Satanist. She told them that I killed small animals and had freaky Satanist-sex-rituals in the middle of the night. Her story was slightly hampered by the fact that in the 3 days she was subletting (before she fled my satanic ways), we never spent

I totally forgot about the time she brought home two guys she met on the street drunk walking home from the bar and while she loudly had sex with one I was expected to entertain the other. We didn't have a common area so he hung out in my room watching me read, exclaiming, "I've never seen someone read a book before."

I had a roommate in college who was sleeping with her married (to someone else) professor. I walked in on them once and they asked me to join. That was awkward, but not my worse roommate.