Sarah J

You might think that Mercedes don't depreciate at a normal rate, but they do. This is especially true for low end models of Mercedes as it sounds like she had. For a trade in on a 5 year old low end Mercedes she would have realistically been looking at getting ~$15k. What new Honda Fit or Toyata Yaris would have cost

You get sort of used to it. I used to be seriously poor, homeless even, throughout my teens. I had an iPhone because my mom found it in a bar and when I tried to return it to the owner for her she told me she'd already gotten a new one and I could keep it since I went so far out of my way to return it. I drove a Prius

Oh my god, can't people mind their own fucking business? I mean, what kind of piece of shit do you have to be to see a random stranger using food stamps at the grocery store and launch into a morally superior lecture about how their choices are all wrong?

A few years back my husband and I were both enjoying decent paying full time jobs for the first time in our lives. We treated ourselves to a few things, including a new TV. About a year after our daughter was born we felt our lives were WAY too hectic so we decided to scale way back on what we spent money on so I

I need a Mega Lapras... STAT

My wife fought Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma like a girl and kicked its ass. She's been in remission for 4.5 years now.

And here's where reading comprehension skills would have paid off for a lot of the pissed of people, she says:

I've heard that said in several different arenas. I know one guy that used to train people in the military to shoot. He said women tend to become better shooters for the same reasons your martial arts instructor mentioned.

what we mean when we say someone does something "like a girl": It means like someone who doesn't know how to do it, or does it like someone without skill or self-control.

I remember playing some sort of football/basketball hybrid game in gym, and most of the girls didn't know how to throw a football. Because no one ever taught them. And the boys taunted them (even our jackass teacher).

For the record: softball is hard-core. A softball pitcher is far more impressive than a baseball pitcher IMO, as they have to lob a heavier, larger object *under arm* at significantly fast speeds. The ball is also harder to hit, because of the size and distance of the pitcher's mound.
And yet softball gets the

I was curious so I actually asked one of the girls in my taekwando class today to "fight like a girl". She proceeded to kick me hard in the thigh (Being in taekwando for two years so far, you tend to get used to being kicked.) I then asked her why she thinks people use"like a girl" as an insult and she said "Because

This is so true. Also though, I've lived with multiple boyfriends over the years and I've noticed that not ONE of them knows a heck of a lot about cleaning or general house keeping. I've consistently been the more handy partner as well. What I'm trying to say is that I think girls are actually being taught more things

Too frequently, we don't even teach girls how to do the things we teach boys, and then we use that lack of knowledge to justify the differentness.

The front of my high school girls track team's T-shirt read "You run like a girl".

.... ?

In grade 4 we were tested on far we threw a ball. Mind you I don't ever remember been shown how to throw a ball at school. My dad had spent time at home with me showing how to throw a ball and various other sporting activities. I was one of 3 girls who could actually throw a ball the rest couldn't. I remember thinking

Too frequently, we don't even teach girls how to do the things we teach boys, and then we use that lack of knowledge to justify the differentness. The first time a boy throws, he also throws like shit, too.

In a few hours I'm going to hit the gym and then teach a self-defense class (mixed sex). I'll pair women with men, women with women, and men with men. Size, age, etc, it really doesn't matter. You don't get to pick your attacker. Life don't work like that.

And, at the end of the day, I'll be a happy fucking instructor

I like that the doctor who went to the Philippines was of Asian descent herself — disrupting white savoir rhetoric.