Sarah J

Whenever I hear a white person say, "How come black people get BET? What's the white people channel?" I say, "Oh that's ABC, CBS, PBS, Lifetime, A&E, TLC, USA, NBC, MTV pretty much, History Channel, HGTV, um, Fox, definitely Fox News, CNN, MSNBC for sure, Weather Channel, SyFy, Comedy Central for the most part," and

Yeah dude. It, like, totally sucks when the only representation of your gender in a TV show is a bunch of one dimensional, tired ass stereotypes that often have no names, sometimes no back story, and their only job is to be a shitty little prop to further the storyline of the opposite gender.


I am not at all surprised that a clueless, overrepresented man dude asked the question 'Why isn't [everything] about [me]?'

Even the one male inmate really shown (when Piper was transferred to give a deposition), he had a bit of nuance. She assumed he was a rapist based on his leering at her, she was wrong and he was a murderer, and guess what? He still totally helped her, for a price that probably wasn't that difficult for her. That's

I feel the same way about every movie about brown people where the experience is filtered through the gaze of a white person or where some well-meaning but clueless person says "but the struggle in 'Good Hair' should include white girls with curly hair too!" Sometimes things are about what they are about. I think we

This seems like a feminist move, on the surface.

I, too, want to know more about all the men incarcerated in womens prisons. Theres a great story there.

There are always a few who take it literally, and believe that Swift is (and therefore, I am) encouraging them to eat babies as a method of population control.

it would be a seriously impressive feat if he managed to make it worse.

Trust me, they will request an on-air interview.

Wow, they really aren't even trying. The 3DS is capable is much more than these low poly models and shoddy textures. Every other character in the screens also seems to be of a wildly different art direction from the Turtles themselves, so it just looks odd.

it looks like a PS1 game =/

(sighs) I am a grown adult with a TMNT shower curtain. I never thought there'd ever be a reboot I wasn't going to see.

I swear if this shows up on Fox News taken seriously...there is no turning back and the end of days is nigh.

I think I'm going to use this in my Comp and Lit courses from this point forward to illustrate how satire works. A Modest Proposal kept earning me death threats and course-drops.

dunno seems almost indistinguishable to the real thing. So in the end people who believe this kind of stuff won't notice it's a parody and think it's supporting them and it only works out as showing how ridiculous it is to people who already find such beliefs ridiculous

no it pegs the people who use and manipulate church god and Jesus as dumbasses. People who use religion to back their misguided agendas are the worst kind of people

These are probably the kind of people who believe that vaccinating their kids makes them autistic. Whatever floats your goat folks...