Sarah J


You know what makes me think about reproducing? Men's body hair. It's sexy. I don't have any control over it, it's just attractive to me. So why shouldn't men have to cover up their body hair in public, but women have to cover their breasts?

Male abdomens are sexualized, but there is no cultural requirement that they be covered. Male forearms are sexualized, but there is no cultural requirement that they be covered. Male jawlines are sexualized, but there is no cultural requirement that they be covered. Male hands are sexualized, but there is no cultural

Actually no. Vaginas and penises are sexual organs. They're sexualized by nature. Breasts are not. That's a cultural thing. There are many cultures that don't sexualize breasts.

Breasts and nipples are not genitalia. Penises and vaginas are.

The entire point is that society should not be sexualizing girl boobs to the point of requiring them to stay covered in public. The purpose of the body normalization movement described in the article is to change that societal outlook. Therefore, all you're saying is "the thing against which this movement arrays

I want to walk around topless because it's hot as fuck where I am and I sweat like an overweight middle aged man. I found a clothing optional swimming hole here where it's mostly dudes that are fully nekked and everyone is cool with everyone else's bits. It's my favorite place in the entire world now.

You do realize that men also have milk ducts and can breastfeed a child with the proper effort and technique? And that 85% of the breast other than that is fat, right? Beyond that, your slippery slope argument of 'cover it up because some people sexualize a body part' is the kind of shit that leads to women wearing

Men can't flash their dongs, women can't show their vaginas. Neither sex can show their asses. Both can show backs, ankles, faces, feet, and almost any other commonly or historically sexualized body part. Only women can't show nipples. That's the difference.

(1) Actually, breasts serve ONE major function for women: feeding babies. Many women don't have sensitivity in their breasts, and the sexual enjoyment is wholly their partner's. Yes, pleasing someone you're with is pleasurable, but it doesn't mean female breasts have a universally sexual function for women. It is

The issue is more about the fact that men can show their nipples, while it's considered gross/wrong/sexual/indecent for a woman's nipples to be visible. A woman wearing a pasty over her nipple on an otherwise bare, "fully-formed" breast is not considered as taboo as a bare breast with the nipple shown. So there's a

Nature? So (hypothetically) a guy who's never seen boobs portrayed in a sexual way will automatically be driven wild by a picture of nipples because of "nature"? I don't think so.

But why do we have cover them with a tiny, thin piece of fabric? It's not like it hides anything, you can see the exact shape of the breast in a triangle bikini, and if I'm cold, the contours of my nipples. So what's the point? There are no secrets in a bikini, yet people will freak out if I don't wear it. Tiny, thin

Only women have fully-formed breasts, huh. Then what's with all the dudes with tits bigger than mine bouncing around in public?

So the real issue is what, exactly? Women's breasts are evil and must be hidden at all costs?

There are two differences between men's breasts and women's breasts: (1) composition ratio and (2) milk production. Neither of those inherently are sexual.

WTF is right.

Just because some people sexualize my boobs (without my consent, I might add), doesn't mean I should be legally obligated to cover them up. I mean some people sexualize feet, too. Should we outlaw sandals, too?

I'm not interested in seeing (most) men go around topless. But sometimes they do, and do you know how I cope?

I remember when my Mexican friend first saw my mauve hued nipples, she was like "WTF YOU DON'T HAVE BROWN NIPPLES??!!!?!?!?!?"

While players can party up, the game is incredibly kid friendly. Chat is only available to members, and even then the system's filter will keep offensive terms from entering chat. Hell, I couldn't even use the word "Bumblebee".