
This is stupid. Why apologize? The apology isn’t the stupid part, FEELING like you have to apologize is. The Article had a title that got a lot of clicks, but RIGHT at the top, once you click the article, is a description of what we were going to see below. Anyone reading the TITLE of the article knew what they could

“Antonio needs help, from his agent, from his manager, from his loved ones, from his doctors, and he’s not getting it.”

Ultimately, the consumer and the drivers will both lose out if these cases are decided against Uber. Drivers can say goodbye to the extra money they made driving, and consumers will go back to paying more for a substandard service.

Based on the passage of AB5, it’s a safe bet that CA’s governor did not speak with any independent contractors in the state. If he had, he would not have signed the bill. But he’s a self serving jackass, so there’s that.

This is an old meme. Atleast a couple of years old.

Gravity finally gets its sweet revenge on Newton. 

Turns out, the real WW2 was the friends we made along the Midway.

If choosing between CA Government and Lyft on this topic, #TeamLyft.

So, the only real downside of the game so far is that in a 18th century colonial/empire settings you can’t get people woke?

Why don’t they make the whole plane out of slow pitches?

I hope he beats this 

Because shut up, Kyle.

Pun threads? That is so 2001.

Ok people appealing to the flag code as a way of not addressing the real reason why the sneaker was pulled is disingenuous hogwash. Lets be honest with ourselves here no one gives a shit about the flag code outside of not outright burning it. Why not just admit that hey maybe Nike probably shouldnt have pulled the

Ok, Gwen, first of all, rating Madeline and Celeste as a tie for 5th is offensive on so many levels. 1st of all, Celeste is the only widow and therefore is always going through the most... and that’s even before Meryl Creepy enters the picture. Meanwhile, even the kvechy Madeline has a heart pouring it out before the

Could you reference your article when President Obama started this? Also most of these illegal immigrants are living better than they would in their country or in the US by coming illegally.

They all become lumberjacks.

I’m still irritated May didn’t have a gun with her when she went looking for the truck in episode 2.  If she’d simply brought an ICER Sarge’s whole crew would be in SHIELD holding cells by now.  And maybe they’d explain what the hell they’re trying to do and everybody could be working together to fight whatever this

I spent 30 minutes in line at a street festival in 70 degree weather to pay $8 for an award winning tamale yesterday and got a little sunburned, so I know how they feel.