
Will all love scenes be turn based?

You mean the child molester and woman abuser? Way to pick sides, retard. 

Actually it is, as ANY gun safety class will tell you. Being on a movie set doesn’t make you magically immune from common sense.

How can that be when the majority of teachers are female?

Maybe he has Alec Baldwin’s lawyer.

Wheel of Time?

Really you can’t beat the video quality and story telling of Tentacle Rape Dungeon 4 DX. Everything after that started going downhill.

So you’re OK with the government dictating what your allowed to say? Just wow.

Oh waah fucking waah! It’s not hard to vote. Quit enabling the victim class.

But this time it WILL be Penny’s boat.

LOL Well aren’t you a little bitch trying to sound mean dropping “fuck” all over. You sound really, really retarded.

This shows how stupid the Twitterverse is. LeVar was horrible.

I want sexy orcs.

Or maybe there are a whole lot of people that are sick if BLM’s violence and bullshit and still enjoy cop shows. 


Kind of like the main action scene of Solo was covering for Lucas not knowing that a Parsec is a measure of distance and not time.

Then of course she had to run back and pick up the droids. 

I’ve had a huge crush on her since the Mummy movies.

I shall enjoy a Moscow Mule while watching this series. :)

Turns out the pedophelia was the friends we met along the way.