
I’m shocked you liberals are still talking about about all the anti-Asian hatred, considering most of it comes from black people.

Hopefully Cena groveled enough to make them happy.

I found that pretty, pretty, pretty interesting.

I’ll pay you $20 million for it if you blockchain it to me!

I have a rare video of Mona Lisa dunking on da Vinci. Only $234,000.

Are you perhaps familiar with a place called “California”? They had penalties for breaking lockdown.

I got one from Paul Michael Glaser for my wife’s birthday. She was a HUGE Starsky and Hutch fan as a kid. She even wrote a script when she was young and I had Paul reference that. She says it was the best gift ever!!

I saw him once lead a Mexican drug cartel.

And Seinfeld!

That’s probably from all her years in NXIVM.

So the COVID-19 task force recommends we all commute huddled in little bubbles.

What’s next? Are you claiming there’s no sex in the champagne room?

Close! It’s “Nature..uh...finds a way”. ;)

It’s Stephen King. Sometimes you just have to do a line of coke, jump across the room and beat the shit out of someone. Such is life.

It’s not porn unless it’s Michael Jordan porn.

OU sucks ass, so good.

Congrats liberals, is there anything you all can’t fuck up?

And thank you to A Rod for saying one of the huge players in this game tonight was Carlos Beltran. Idiot.

I for one believe Blizzard in this. I also believe Jeffrey Epstein really did commit suicide while under suicide watch. Oh and jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel. 

I think this comes from much higher. from the Mouse itself.