
You never played with my brother. Those controllers are hard.

Idon't know. I watched the whole thing and couldn't figure out which character was Dune.

Cry me a river. All you bleeding hearts over edgy comedy need to just... go away.

They’re absolutely right to defend this on free speech grounds. It’s scary how the art of not watching something you don’t want to watch has all but disappeared and sometimes it feels like we’ve reached a turning point where the left are calling for huge corporations to police speech. The special shouldn’t be taken

How much to fuck the wookie?

Heh heh heh, “erection.”

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

As soon as he made the offhand comment, I was sure AVClub would be assigning someone to write 500 words about it.

First of all, its not just Republicans who oppose this pseudointellectual nonsense. Second, we oppose it because it is pure sophistry and entirely racist. It “otherizes” white people and blames “whiteness” for every ill and problem in the world. It reduces every individual down to their race, skin color, and gender.

I miss the days before fans were obsessed with what is or not canon within a fictional universe. It left popular fiction open to so much more intrepretation, especially with a line like “I was a child”. Now, we are forced to consider whether a fictional character, whose in-universe timeline goes back almost 90 years,

You mean spoilers like Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a scene-for-scene remake of Smokey and the Bandit I-III?

- Looks like there was one disclaimer they forgot.

Legit disappointed that the helicopter didn’t say “THANOS” on the side.

“Click on each photo that has an Ewok.” 

“I recognized this game. It was called Galaga, originally published in 1981. It involved shooting down hordes of aliens inside a space ship. I had a pretty high score, but not as high as the high scores I had in games like Missile Code, Defender, Centipede, and Asteroids Deluxe, which are also arcade games originally

My dad got me into his books as well. It was one thing we had in common. I still read them as sort of a memorial to dad who won’t get the chance now.

Fun fact: If Jeri Ryan’s husband at the time hadn’t been so thirsty about having his weirder sexual proclivities satisfied, we never would have gotten Obama as president.

If employees can choose when and where to work they are contractors.