And who do think would survive this fictional scenario? The people without guns?
And who do think would survive this fictional scenario? The people without guns?
Auntfucking? That’s like, first base in the Seven Kingdoms.
Oh no. What a monumental loss.
To put this all on the league is typical Social Justice Warrior reporting from Deadspin. These players knew this league was a long shot from the onset and signed waivers in the event of injury and the league folding. These players were chasing a pipe dream and the gamble was no different than taking your life savings…
The sad thing is that there was just literally no way to predict this would happen.
Nobody’s Watching, Nobody’s Listening, Nobody Cares or, How I Stayed the Head Coach of the Cincinnati Bengals For Sixteen Fucking Years: The Marvin Lewis Story
Well of course you would never apologize to everyone on here you damned as a racist for finding the story a bit fishy. You’ve demonstrated on here for years that you’re just a hateful little troll. Hate is all you’ve got in your life apparently.
The sad thing is how obviously stupid his story was from the get-go. But the woke warriors put aside all common sense because they wanted it to be true. MAGA dudes recognizing a 3rd tier actor from Empire. Lol. The only way the story could have been better is if he claimed the the guys had yelled, “Arent you that…
Girl, you must be tampering because you have “fine” written all over you.
I bruised my hand raking leaves yesterday.
I like that Harper looks like he is running away from that anthropomorphic car.
I feel like arguing whether Brad Pitt or Matt Damon is the better actor is like arguing if Hardees or Carl’s Jr has the better burger.
I hate ev’ry Brad Pitt movie I see
Cadillac’s Situation Continues To Escalade
A spokesman for Roger Goodell says the commissioner will indeed take action, and that he was not previously aware of the video.
There’s no such thing as a protected class when it comes to speech in the US anyhow. That’s why ‘hate speech’ is a bullshit, meaningless term unless you mean it to refer to someone saying they hate something, in which case, who cares, everyone hates things.
Fact: that drive is still happening
Yeah, let’s take a few:
“I’ll be 39 next year, smoke, and after leaving an awful ad agency job, been stuck paying $901/month”
Smoking is the one thing the ACA allows insurance companies to charge significantly higher rates for, since it leads to significantly higher medical bills. Try stopping and your bill will go down…