
Kap had a right to come out and protest unjust police brutality. He also happened to choose to do this at his workplace. The owners also have a right to not sign him because of that, even if it means signing a lesser player instead. An owner can do whatever he wants with his team; there is absolutely nothing saying

“I’m not here to make the statistical argument for Kaepernick, and I’m not here to make the moral argument for him either.”

Would the name of a quarterback who is simultaneously underqualified and overqualified for every NFL team be “Schrodinger’s Kaep”?

How idiotic must you be to say guys earning 7-figure paychecks are “criminally underpaid”? They’re fucking athletes, they’re not saving lives or saving the world.

He blew a .00 or, as John Daly calls it, .3 under par.

Busted. I stopped years ago because the game is horrible to watch on TV, takes way too long, and is full of nonsensical archaic bullshit like this that takes precedence over actually winning games. I check out a playoff game or two a year but that’s about it. While we’re here, my other grievances against major league

What about boxers, though? WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOXERS???

One of these days I want a hit batter to just calmly take his base, let the situation cool down, and then blindside rush the pitcher from the first base.

5 years PROBATION! Probation.....probation. Let’s stop acting like he was tossed in a gulag for solitary. He was convicted of a BURGLARY and got PROBATION. How that’s unjust or evidence of a biased legal system is lost on me.

Man, facts are sticky huh? Breaking into someone’s home, ruining the safety and sanctity of that space and stealing something that someone worked hard to earn money for is now minimized to “stealing $120".

Get with the Author’s diatribe will ya?

Oh look another country descending into chaos because of socialism, but yes lets continue fostering its growth here in America.

Finding someone dumb enough to pay you for blogging is rare.

god damn it! Does this mean I have to get rid of this?

PS - I’m not pretending to have any idea of what works and doesn’t on carriers and/or planes. And I’m not even a trump supporter (didn’t vote for him if you are wondering). But the media has gotten so shrill about trump it’s not even worth listening to anymore. Every single thing is the end of the world. Didn’t you

It feels to me like the last time this carrier was mentioned on foxtrot alpha, it was all about how bad the new system was, how the carrier doesn’t work, and how they should do steam.

No, it probably went down like this:

“His idea” and so that about wraps up the story for me