This might be an extreme statement, but how about not doing something that will result in a traffic violation.
This might be an extreme statement, but how about not doing something that will result in a traffic violation.
When asked about the validity of the complaint, the nearly-illiterate Oher said “Bullocks”
“I was a parent of two and involved with the father of my children, but we weren’t in a relationship or anything.”
Fuck you, shithead. Get a job and stop trying to leech onto others, U commie bitch!
The contest took place at the MGM Hotel and Casino, and the league’s gambling policy prohibits players from appearing at promotional events at casinos.
Does Atlanta need cornerbacks? If so, I would advise them to look elsewhere given Georgia’s history with Shermans.
The NFL would encourage fans to report any unapproved expressions of joy on the field, sidelines or in the stands.
Plus, they literally skate through the season!
i have one question for you... in 27 parts...
the best part about the cleveland browns is we all eventually die
At least it wasnt $150 mil loss in Florida
Really makes my dad’s favorite way to threaten me, “I’ll hit you so hard your great grandkids will feel it,” seem way more fucked up.
that they are actually offended by this is unboliviable.
According to that scale on your map, planes are also much bigger today than they used to be.
How many more soldiers have to die before he’s up for a Nobel Peace Prize though?
Well, this was a bit predictable.
“Well, it’s in Hazzard, it’s in a hurry and it ain’t a Duke. So whoever that fella is, he’s probably up to no good. “
The Padres say it’s not that bad, but it feels bad.