Why are non-adults being allowed to change their sex when they haven’t even fully matured?
This is an incredibly blind and biased read and I didn’t even get past the halfway mark. Driving with uber seems incredibly profitable if you do it in your part time like it’s designed. As an independent contractor you have a number of tax deductions to save you money on your car, maintenance, and mileage. The author…
I will definitely agree with you that an unfortunate number of “conservatives” seem to have forgotten our core values. However, some of us remain dedicated to them, to following the Constitution, separation of powers, etc.
Meanwhile, I’ll also point out that many so-called progressives are advocating fascist…
Especially when she just could have ordered a pair of Acme rocket powered shoes like Wile E. Coyote uses to try and catch the Roadrunner.
Actually “CEO” is a term that means “Chief Executive Officer”, and is usually the title of the person who leads a company, may it be big or small. Sometimes they scam their way to the top, but sometimes it actually does take hard work and accomplishment. Also they may not do the day-to-day nitty gritty, but managing…
Or Obama’s house in Chicago that he has spent 1 night in in the past 8 years. It is the same for every President whether you like him or not.
I am also pleased that anyone who says something that offends my special self be punished by losing thousands of dollars.
So far, the only company that has actually turned a profit from VR is Zenimax bwahahaha.
For the Panthers, every Super Bowl is Super Bowl L.
Before anyone starts with all of this “It’s because he’s black” crap, let me point out that Wayne Gretzky, despite all his amazing accomplishments, is also not in the Football Hall of Fame.
There’s a sticker on the dash warning you not to floor it.
Cardinals GM: [dials up Astros GM] Looks like we have to send you a couple of draft picks, do you want to make those selections yourself or should we just work off the list that we have?
So bus drivers are allowed to drive, but when Uber drivers do, they do wrong? Is that an accurate summary of the prevailing mood?
Please explain how the taxi drivers choosing to take a one-hour break/protest/whatever helped even one refugee. Just one.
You would think former Gawker employees would be well aware of having amoral dick profit driven not give a shit owners, coworkers and CEO.
they are providing a service during a time of scarce availability. maybe the employees of an industry like taxi cab drivers should think twice before striking when there is a competitor that provides a similar service, at better prices, with better service, a better experience, and better organization.
everyone is…