I may get some flak for this (especially because I suspect I won’t word this as carefully as I should), but:
I may get some flak for this (especially because I suspect I won’t word this as carefully as I should), but:
RIP Georgia Dome. You were almost old enough to rent a car through most major car rental agencies.
There is a market issue too, that relates to the talent development aspect of the NFL model. The NFL has the NCAA develop it’s talent pool. But the goal of college football is primarily to win bowl games and TV ratings. Having successful alumni in the NFL isn’t necessarily proof of a specific school’s ability to…
No no, have you had the cracked pepper ones? This is truly the world’s greatest cracker.
You are a judgmental condescending prick - how “intelligent” and “liberal” of you categorizing “white America” as rednecks and “Toby Keith”.. you are too much of a fool to realize that this faux progressive judgmental far left bullshit is what got you Trump in the first place, you fool.
And will inevitably play him in the Peter Berg film based on the true story
So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?
I don’t think Jerrah Jones would allow another team in Texas.
In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.
Isn’t “pissing all over The Concourse” what Hamilton Nolan does every week?
Aaron Rodgers’ Hail Mary’s ability to avoid defenders is second only to Aaron Rodgers’ ability to avoid family members.
That sounds like a lot of work.
I liked Simms defending the doctors. “Uh the doctors checked him quickly and besides he was hit on the chin not the head.” Right Phil. The doctors checked to see if his head was still attached, it was attached enough and it’s the playoffs so fuck it.
I assumed because it’s not the National Football League Punters Association.
Actually I think that grammar issue was on purpose, in reference to Zoolander
Essentially, this is the market self-correcting. If people were getting value out of being in unions, they would join, create, or stay in them. But when your average Joe line worker sees a bloated union administration and president getting rich off his dues, and not getting much in return, or sees his contracts get…
Maybe if the democrats fought fervently for unions the way they fought for transgender bathroom rights we wouldn’t be in this shitty conundrum.
So what? If the Unions brought value they would be getting higher membership dues. I pay my gym dues because I see value in the membership. I pay my kids pool dues because I see value in having access to water in the heat. I pay my healthcare costs because it brings me value.