Good lord, stop it!
Ship fuel can’t melt steel hulls.
If I tried to start a fight every time I was “disrespected,” I’d have lost about 1,000 fights to my mom by now.
That’s not fair, Ryan won almost half the time!
The shot clock in the Lebron dunk is at 13
Sales asked marketing about that and they said totally ready. Also somebody has to go down to engineering and tell the guys there what the advertising materials promised at some point, but no rush on that one though.
I *guarantee* you playing Brock this long was coming right from McNair and Smith. “We spent 72 million on this guy, you WILL play him!”
Rick Smith needed to be fired years ago, but here we are.
I support you all the way on this gusty call Coach O’Brien. It was the right call and don’t ever cave to public pressure and admit otherwise.
Brock Osweiler. Steven Hawking. There’s a math-based serial killer on the loose and only this unlikely pair can stop him! Uncommon Denominators, coming straight to VHS, 2018.
Wow, those guys have some problems on offense.
Why didn’t the Lions use one of their challenges on a 4 yard reception that brought up 2nd and 6 a minute into the game? Is this a serious question? Are you really that baffled by this?
Who would have foreseen that giving $85M to a career backup with less than 10 career starts would backfire?
the way I see it is this: The Force Awakens was the Star Wars movie we wanted. Rogue One was the Star Wars movie we *needed*
So California should decide what’s good for Wyoming? How many Californians do you know that can point out Wyoming on a map let alone know what materials that state produces?
A straight popular vote only works if there are no boundaries or governmental divides. If there were no states and we were just a single huge…
Here’s the thing though... the electoral college also exists to give all states equal representation in the republic. In order to get rid of the electoral college, you are asking lower populated states to sacrifice their voice in regards to the president.
If you remove California from the popular vote count, Trump…
Exactly where are the qualifications for being President listed exactly?Oh yes, the Constitution and here they are: