Don’t worry, all of those same “protestors” that are burning shit to the ground are improving their city; those same people will be back someday to rebuild, to show that they really made a difference. Just like in Baltimore.
Don’t worry, all of those same “protestors” that are burning shit to the ground are improving their city; those same people will be back someday to rebuild, to show that they really made a difference. Just like in Baltimore.
Unfortunately, a lot of political reporters agree with him. That’s why they refuse to say Trump was lying or that his wife plagiarized her speech. And they’ll describe every conflict between the candidates as a he said/she said exchange without explaining whether one of them is being deceptive.
“Honestly, I was searching black caulk.”
What’s a “Gawker”?
I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.
As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.
The first guy to take a knee during the National Anthem was a trailblazer (or, if you prefer, a martyr for a cause.) The small number of people who who first followed that guy’s lead are the types who don’t like to see one person take all the flak from society for not conforming to a social tradition. The growing…
Miami Dolphins players Arian Foster, Jelani Jenkins, Kenny Stills, and Michael Thomas all kneeled
9/11 is how many players I had playing when the app went down
Maybe the problem is with the blogosphere that values speed and raw click counts over info that remains relevant and useful over the long term.
See, this is why I still have a flip phone! No hassle, no pressure....just good, pure, hopelessly-outdated phone use! Hittin' those keys multiple times to text on a tiny screen kinda sucks, but pressure! I'm completely irrelevant!
Tech bloggers getting fucked? There’s a first time for everything!
That ball clearly did not consent to scoring. Glad FSU did the right thing for once.
I’m glad to see the spirit of Gawker lives on.
I know they said it was going to be a bad year for pistachios, but 25¢ per nut is absolutely outrageous.
If Megan Rapinoe kneels during the National Anthem, and no one is in the stadium to watch the game, does it still rustle the media’s jimmies?
It was a fantastic ceremony if you love three-hour weird-ass halftime shows where people dance around in a bunch of bizarre but colorful shit in random formations to crappy music interrupted sporadically by over-exuberant announcers.
NBC also cut out the season premiere of Animal Practice, which I was really looking forward to.
The only people that come out of this looking bad are Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz, who’s obvious lies tarnished the reputation of an American hero. And now that hero, who was made to cry by hard hitting journalist Matt Lauer, is modifying his own story in order to protect their reputations! Is there no justice in the…
So Lochte basically told the Cartman version of the story