Today’s loss was due to lingering post-9/11 malaise, you insensitive herb.
Today’s loss was due to lingering post-9/11 malaise, you insensitive herb.
And yet he’s probably still like “Once you’re done mixing paint in my butthole, I’ve got word of another settlement that needs your help.”
At least Curry had a good Father’s Day, he got to spend it playing basketball with his daddy.
Real talk. Does Draper come in to work tomorrow or call in sick and turn off his phone?
United States, because it’s the only one with hot and cold running water?
How do you draw that conclusion? My response has more recommendations than the original post. Doesn't that suggest support for my argument?
Not intended as a “comeback”. Done my research - judging by the inane comments on this thread, I am probably the only person here that has.
Again - those are public services. Provision of public services does not equate to socialism.
I’d love to hear how this ruined Vin Scully for you. Did he make false statements? Is it a good thing that, in a country where people are dying in food riots, the well-to-do are (gasp!) part of the dictatorship? Fuck and no are the correct answers, Junior.
Please, by all means, enlighten us with your worldly views on…
At least we know there is no way this could have been prevented so we can take comfort in that at least.
Slow clap for the security guards in Saint-Etienne who allowed explosives and flares into the stadium. Good job, fellas!
Croatia really is the asshole of Europe.
Those Croatian fans are really Dinamo.
Little known fact I just made up: In football player slang, the word “franchise” is synonymous with the word “skin.” Now you might see why they’re so revolted by the idea of playing under a franchise tag. And also why everyone is so offended by the existence of the Cleveland Brown franchise.
I dunno, I think green and gold are more of a spring look
“Sure it has, but I know the Secret. It’s all about Degrees of force, not Brut strength. It’s getting your Right through his Guard.”