
I really feel like Batman’s origin is a criminally underused story. I mean, we’ve never seen it in a movie or game before. He just appears, fully developed, as if sprung from the forehead of Zeus.

I would love to see Deadspin and Jalopnik unshackled from the Gawker/Jezebel shitshow.

One per rape accusation, I believe is the actual rule.

Jameis Winston frolicking in the sun with some kids, dulling our senses until we won’t even flinch the next time a play-by-play announcer mentions all the adversity Winston overcame on his way to becoming one of the faces of the NFL.

Nah, you gotta win a Super Bowl first for any of that. - Ben Roethlisberger

A game starring Norman Reedus with his Norman Feetus

Power-leveled cheatsauce would also have been acceptable.

J.R. was reportedly worried about the civil suit until his lawyer told him it was a real long shot.

Bombs against Boston rarely go over well

Dishonored was one of my favourite games of last generation. Fun mechanics, a story that while not amazing, was convincing and entertaining enough, unique setting and aesthetic, some of the most fun level design of the past 10 years.


Cardinals lose their 13th game.

I don’t see what the problem is. If you check my GPS, I average around a 72 mph pace from my house to work, 5 days a week.

The White Walkers

It’s comforting to see the courts finally deciding that striking women is not OK.

Typical of soccer to have an important match decided in a shootout.


Of course this is a laughable attack on capitalism, and private business in general, because Bernie.

The Yankees made that mistake earlier this season, referring to certain players as veterans when they should have really been retired.

[Touches envelope to forehead]