
They both are have been found and are reported to be in good health.

Or what other TV shows are coming up on that network. How the hell are we expected to get that kind of information??

Too soon, man, too soon. :(

So this is the new rule of a football thread. Every single one must mention Kaepernick in either the story or the comments?

Did anyone else catch the female reporting talking about Mixon? Something like, “What struck me about what he said was...”

Us Astros fans are appealing the ruling, asking for a 10 game suspension instead.

Of course those in Houston watching it on the local NBC affiliate didn’t get to see that play, because the local news had to break away from the game with 1 second left about the game. Fucking ridiculous!

We get it, you’re a fucking pussy liberal and can’t help whining about Trump. Jesus fucking Christ get a grip.

Plus are they assuming they are the last generation? What’s gonna come after Z?

Born between 1995 and 2012, Generation Z is considered to be independent and competitive workers

Please show us on the doll where Trump touched you.

Too soon! :(

I still have my 2005 WS game 5 tickets for sale if anyone wants them!

Tal’s Hill is gone. They got rid of it during the off season.

Selig would not approve the sale of the Astros to Jim Crane if he did not agree to move to the AL.

Not to brag, but usually hover around the 50% zone. ;)

Wow, can’t wait for you to die, hopefully painfully, because I don’t agree with your politics.

those which played a full OT, up to 25 percent more snaps than everyone else, on a Sunday, then had to come back on short rest for a Thursday game.

Another generation of classless pricks. Your side should be so proud.

You know, suicide is always an option if you’re so miserable and depressed.

You sound pretty fucking ignorant. If someone is not going to win who cares who helps them. And deriding for someone “not being a hero” when they have the decency to help a fellow human being in needs makes you look like an awful person!