
What, no mention of Samurai World?

Looks like a typical jump shot in the WNBA.

You know what’s just as retarded as tweetstorms? Tweeting itself. The world really doesn’t give a fuck what’s going on in your mind.

Hate to break it to you, champ, but there is never free healthcare or education. Someone is always paying for it.

You people are a special kind of fucking stupid. Still a mystery when this site was bought in the first place. Please keep whining and bitching, since that’s all you seem to be able to do.

Was at the game last night and still can barely talk this morning. LOTS of screaming!

It’s not our fault you don’t understand the need for the electoral college.

I know! That kind of shit hasn’t been pulled since Obama did it constantly.

Yes, their walkouts when they don’t have the votes was very adult like.

Wow, the political opinion of an athlete. I’m sure nobody outside a liberal sports blog gives a fuck.

How do blacks usually vote?

blah blah blah, same old shit. I don’t think anyone here got their panties in a twist when Obama didn’t care about half the population for the last 8 years.

I wonder if any of you people are smart enough to know you’re being racists yourself calling his win all about “white supremacy”?

Maybe they didn’t want to support the wife (and enabler) of a racist. Ever think of that?


Further proof the internet is fucking stupid.

Our GM Rick Smith has to go. He’s been the constant link with all the bad coaches/QBs.

You forgot hookers. You some kinda rookie?

Aren’t we always supposed to masturbate like that??

Am I completely off-base