Crazy idea, and I’m just spit balling here, but maybe don’t put the number of teams in your conference IN your name.
Crazy idea, and I’m just spit balling here, but maybe don’t put the number of teams in your conference IN your name.
Should have asked him to stop being so butt hurt.
Remember, when a group of clowns is attacking you, always go for the juggler.
Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of elite college students and their activist tendencies could have told Harvard that students would seek to support the strikers, who are asking to make $35,000 a year, against the school, which doesn’t want to pay them that despite having a $35 billion endowment.
“a hate filled wastehole of no actual discussion,”
That’s a lot of douche bros with backwards hats. Could have been any one of them.
Plus 1 Four you.
I know, right? How dare both sides have freedom of speech.
As as Texans fan I do not recall any recent games against the Patriots. What the hell are you guys talking about????
So are you blind or stupid when examining Hillary?
You know all this variety of food is not sustainable. Nobody needs more that 4-5 choices of what to eat from our masters.
Crazy idea here...keep politics the fuck out of sports.
Don’t we also have the right to tell him to stand up and shut the fuck up? We can’t make him do it but can sure the hell say it.
Actually they are, but we don’t really expect any critical thinking from your side.
And let the Hillary cock sucking commence...
Nothing better than getting lessons on morality from the party that murders babies for birth control.
Pffft, the real spirit of Gawker would have posted her sex tape.
You think his shit show of an administration was good? Clinton is just Obama 2.0, but worse.
She’s from the town I currently live in and her coach once coached me. So if you think about it it’s almost like I won the gold! :)
That man has spent more time honing himself into the perfect swimmer than any of us have spent doing anything (including jerking off).