Well would said coupon include double meat sammiches?
Well would said coupon include double meat sammiches?
I don’t know, 1991 looks like “let’s go lifting, bro” Godzilla.
More white trash, UFC or NASCAR?
I mostly use torrent sites to download Netflix shows (even though I’m a subscriber) because I hate having to stream anything. I prefer it to be nice and safe on my iPad where I can watch it any time I want.
“I don’t see no reason to fine them,’’ Anthony said before Thursday’s U.S. Olympic team practice at UNLV.
So it’s like a regular formula, only better?
Plus he’s white, and we know how Gawker feels about us honkys.
Will the game have racist Kramer DLC?
Welcome to your first day at Deadspin! ;)
One of the cooler aspects of cycling is how fans can get right up next to their favorite riders
The USOC is also suing Duran Duran.
Astros fan here. LOVE watching this young team. Such a difference from the 2005 team with assholes like Clemens out there who don’t even seem to like the game any more.
Wow really? Should I also not shit myself while I’m at the table? These are all so advanced!!
Um, because Gawker.
Let’s start a petition to say we pre-hate the ending and demand a new one, because we are the Internet.
Unless this was a white conservative, then it’s OK to blame them and the NRA. This “don’t judge a group” shit only comes out when it’s not politically correct to blame a group.
What a fucking idiot. Guess he’s never heard “a time and a place”.
So you really thought Orwell was more anti-capitalism and not anti-authoritarian government? Really? You could have gone with politicians aren’t your friends, they don’t give a fuck about you beyond getting your vote so they can control you.
Obviously McDonald’s has the best cheesesteaks. *eyeroll*
But his overall “awesome punch points” are reduced by his “sissy glove slap” that followed.