
You just need to know Meb. :)

Good lord I’ll never understand the metric system. :(

Uh oh, here comes some left wing retard making this political.

King cakes: Baking a chokable sized piece of plastic into a cake. Always wondered at the logic of this, till I met some actual people from Louisiana.

As idiotic as this petition is, I’m always pro-getting Buck/Aikmen off the air.

Civic lesson for the day: Congress and the Senate aren’t two separate entities. Congress is divided into two houses, the House or Representatives and the Senate.

This argument is bullshit. Each team had 60 minutes to score more points than their opponent. They did not, thus the need for over time and it not coming down to a coin flip.

Getting this toy set when I was 10 years old is still an incredibly happy memory for me.

Texans aren’t moving. Despite being mediocre for many years they still sell out every game.

‘Retired’ Michael Caine: “Regarding “Jaws: The Revenge,” he once wrote, “I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”

he’s been a dead man walking for weeks

Exactly! Till Tennant showed up full time I thought it was pretty week.

Wallace is white, so I’m shocked they didn’t make this a racial thing.

If you can’t trust two random ho’s you bring home from a club then what’s this world coming to?

I’ve yet to see a sex video game that accurately depicts sex, you know with all the crying....What are you people staring at?

Also “The Line” is said at one point.

Love that! “Fuck Hugh!”

Hey Sumlin, you fucking prick, how does it feel to have someone bolt right before a bowl game?

Why is he holding the controller like that?

I’ve never seen so many, “come at me bro’s” at one time.