
How about instead of replacing just the passenger module the whole plane is replaced with each flight.

I heard this planet has one sun yet you cast two shadows.

and fuck his fans.

You can almost hear the boners at Kinja when someone is accused of racism. These articles then pretty much write themselves.

So the reports of him missing the season were over inflated?

Just got home from the game. Go Coogs! Can’t even talk now I was screaming so much!

So what has changed to convince the NFL that LA can support three teams when history shows they couldn’t support one?

the Colts beat the Falcons xx-xx today

There really is only one acceptable mascot nowadays.

I don’t accept the Astros moving to the AL either. :(

Something else that’s similar but not really noticed. Both movies have “Star” and “Wars” in the title.

I’m still curious as to why Direct TV thought he’d be a good spokesman.

My wife and I have a similar argument about bag fries. My logic is if I’m flyin’ then those bag fries are mine. She disagrees. She is wrong.

Zack Snyder’s Star Wars, obviously.

How exactly would a lifetime ban work? It’s not like you show your ID when entering the stadium.

I say he should go for his head when he’s still on the on-deck circle. No one would expect that. :)

That’s not what we thought at all. We thought, correctly, “here’s another Texas hating douche bag, who’s never been to this state and can’t read past headlines”. Thank you for posting again to cement that opinion.

I don’t like to brag, but I have a plethora of pinatas.

Of course it was intentional. If it wasn’t he’d be flopping all over the ground.

Know when to take a sack, know when throw a pick...