Mergio Sarchionne

FCA marketing spinmeisters: Hey, our cars are made to GO, not stop.

That was really funny! I still don’t know how you come out with these puns...

darn it but Hertz buys them all the time! I need to select my rentals more carefully next time. Note to self, always ask for the Camry.

Typical Sarchionne maneuver.

Sergio is also on permanent cruise control.

MERGIOOOO!!!! *shakes fist angrily*

Never had problems with fiat interiors actually

Came here for something from the horses mouth, got something from the horses ass. Name checks out.

Sergio, please Make Rusty Bodies Great Again

Yeah, I hate to defend Sergio on anything, but in this case he was right.

Sarchionne: We’re introducing the world’s fastest mass-production car, the Hellcat, at 707 HP!

You are a beautiful mastermind.

Probably not. It was probably just a transposition error between the spec sheet the copywriter—who was probably a contractor—was given and what actually ended up on the website. Chances are, once it’s brought to FCA’s attention, someone just quietly goes in and fixes it.

Long in the tooth: “the Journey never ends”

I would of thought you would award the genius that used RWD... he certainly did what he was suppose to do and fluff the marketing .

I’m still waiting for a video of a car driving on a road that says “Amateur asshole on open road” instead of “Professional driver on closed course” 

For all its faults, the Dodge Journey is still several orders of magnitude better than any vehicle you own, David.

Interior Steering Wheel: Standard

Dodge: Automatically robs you of ambition, so the world doesn’t have to.

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