
Robot Chicken M.O.D.O.K.  On Hulu... noted.  

It’s not an apocalypse. Vegas is quarantined and about to be destroyed so these dudes are stealing money before it all gets destroyed.

If you are constantly rewarded for a behaviour then it’s more or less irresistible to carry on performing that behaviour.

There are a lot of ways that that Snyder missed the tone of the comics, but I always think about how the Owlship sex scene in Moore and Gibbons’ Watchmen is sweet and silly and intimate all at once, and the one in the movie is like the shittiest cologne commercial from the ‘90s imaginable.

If this article hadn’t spoiled the final line of dialogue from Joker, I would have burst out laughing at the colossal stupidity of it.”

It doesn’t have the ring of  “Wait’ll they get a load of me” does it?

How can he regress more? Hes been like this since 300 came out.

It’s fun to watch SnyderCut diehards spend the last 4-5 years claiming they aren’t all a bunch of edgelord man-children only for then to all celebrate Snyder giving an unironic shout out to a 4chan edgelord meme.

Damn! Big G got a badonkadonk!

It’s not a Benjamin Button galaxy!

Yet, his big plan for season 2 of Firefly was to start things off with a massive gang rape of Inara. 

To things:

Ted Levine is one of those guys that has been in a major production or two almost every year since the 80s but you hardly every realize it’s him. TIL he was in Heat which I’ve seen a bunch of times and never even realized it.

The pacing of this movie is amazing. There are only a very few moments of down time. It moves from one thing to the next at a frenetic pace and never lets up. I rewatched it a few months ago and was struck by that.

One thing I remember from the book is that one of the bug guys is a bit more respectful in his advances and Clarice is receptive, even insinuating they started dating after. There’s even a joke that his partner called her with evidence and she’s like, “Why is it the wrong one calls?”

I don’t remember if the scene with

That was the one time I can think of where the movie was actually better than the book. That sequel Hannibal, when I finished reading it, I literally threw across the room in disgust of how they treated Clarice’s character. It was like Harris got so annoyed by people dogging him to make a followup that he said, “you

I get that Star Wars has always had cute stuff that was meant to appeal to kids and sell toys. Chewie was it. The Ewoks were it. That’s fine. But there’s just something about how the examples from the new films are used that rubs me the wrong way. I mean, maybe it’s just that I don’t think that the movies overall are

If someone says “this movie is hard to follow” about pretty much anything that makes any kind of sense, I pretty much guarantee that they are bad at anything that requires holding multiple thoughts in mind at the same time. They’re going to be bad at mental arithmetic, bad at understanding metaphor, bad at seeing

Not only that, but the more that the movie is explained, the more you realize it’s own internal logic is absolute nonsense. The theatrical cut’s lack of explanation lets the movie’s suspension of disbelief paper over those thin areas very effectively, and means you can focus on the movie much better.

I do remember getting in a couple arguments with friends about the story, but we ended up rewatching and things getting quickly cleared up.