
Well, it certainly sounds like a better idea than G2 and G2019.  I don’t have much hope, just a fool’s hope!

Cavill’s got the charm, the empathy, and that million megawatt smile. IMHO, he’s almost as good as this:

Right?! Snyder is congenitally unable or unwilling to recognize that his conception of Superman is Batman. He tried to make these characters, who are polar opposites, seem like twin brothers. It’s a critical failure to understand the essence of who Superman and what he represents.

Whether there’s a Snyder Director’s Cut or not won’t change the fact that for me, neither film would be any good.  Whedon’s glory days are long past him and Snyder never had any.  He’s a child with delusions of maturity.

Should I dare to admit that I haven’t yet seen this one? Hopefully, it will be available on Netflix or Hulu this year!

IMHO, there is only one Christmas Carol:

Opinions are funny things, aren’t they?

You shouldn’t talk yourself down like that.

It’s one of the few series from my comic day that I kept.

IMHO, this is because the only part of the story worth telling is the final battler in the future and how John Connor sends Kyle Reese back through time to destroy Cyberdine Systems. Whether John knows that Kyle is his father or not would be a VERY interesting relationship to pursue.

So, when you order a plate of food at a restaurant and still don’t like the taste after several bites, do you eating it? I wouldn’t, and I certainly would not apologize for sending it back.

That would be pretty funny if it were true, but your conclusion is the opposite of the truth. I’m very patient with films, the opening shot of “There Will Be Blood” is one of my favorites. It establishes the scene and the character at a very deliberate pace and really lets you soak in the atmosphere. I also love a

I bought “Hereditary” and “The VVitch” on Blu-Ray because I’d heard so much about them. Turned both of them off within 15-20 minutes because the utter lack of character development and scene-setting turned me off almost immediately.

In “The VVitch”, the disappearance happens so quickly so that you spend almost no time

IMHO, this is also the only part of the story worth telling.  Nothing else matters.

I’m still VERY ambivalent about this film for the reason which many have astutely stated:

Right there with you.  I felt nothing, and that really makes me sad.

I really hope that as many people as possible enjoy this film, but it makes me sad to watch a trailer for a Star Wars movie and feel absolutely nothing.

My personal opinion is based solely on the films. I’ve never read nor do I care to read the myriad volumes of books and comics and other media.

Perhaps, but you don’t need a partner to “bust a nut”, and I would want anyone who has sex without personal attachment to be in charge of anything, much less carry a deadly weapon.