
I get that Star Wars has always had cute stuff that was meant to appeal to kids and sell toys. Chewie was it. The Ewoks were it. That’s fine. But there’s just something about how the examples from the new films are used that rubs me the wrong way. I mean, maybe it’s just that I don’t think that the movies overall are

Ah yes, Divx. This was all the rage in the early aughts.

The biggest factor for me about Physical vs Digital is the actual ownership of the games I buy. While I have one foot in each arena, I do favor Physical over Digital. Games can, and have been removed/delisted (and still are), from digital storefronts all the time. Transformers WFC/FOC from Steam, PT from PSN, Wallace

This is such a stupid controversy on so many levels. In the words of Patton Oswalt “You’re going to miss everything cool and die angry.”

I don’t disagree with any of that, except to say that I believe, in theory, that they could be faithfully recreated in new product if they could find somebody who was effectively excellent at impersonating one of the classic directors, from animation style to humour style.

But even that would feel like a cheat because

In 2019, if you put Bugs Bunny and Axl Rose side by side, I’m disappointed by how far Bugs Bunny has fallen rather than Axl. Fucking twilight zone, man.

Living in a vacuum of other people who never get told “no” or “shut up, that’s fucking stupid,” unless it’s their director or agent must do wonders for one’s social awareness and sense of self worth.