
I have a love-hate relationship with the Director’s Cut of Donnie Darko. When I watched the original, non-Director’s Cut version for the first time back in 2003, I was filled with a longing to know more; to make sense of it all. This led me to which contained a lot of supplemental info that would

“We will not have...THIS.”

Funny, because Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s mid-film introduction in Tenet was a huge injection of personality (and that’s not a slam on Washington or Patterson, who I thought were solid).

I would have been fine with there being less fighting in the film (since the original godzilla was also very lax on godzilla fight time) but the fact that they set up multiple fights and then cut away from them pissed me off. (the first fight where they cut away to a kid watching it on tv where we only get to see

is it going to have 3 fakeouts and extremely unsatisfiying payoff or have human characters that all deserve to die? cause so far godzilla has had at least one with each movie. (seriously the first film was a cheap bait and switch with cranston that also dead ass set up fights only to cut away so they didn’t have to

That lightning zap!

It is, but it’s less X-Wing/TIE Fighter and more Nebulon-B frigate. A very different feel, but also lots of fun. The action takes place on a 2-D plane, while Outlaw is fully 3-D. Both are lots of fun, and have great aesthetics. I highly recommend them.

I’d probably never see the sun again!”

Talk to Double Damage Studios. What they did with Rebel Galaxy Outlaw would translate beautifully into a scoundrel simulator.

TIE Fighter remake.

He’s the movie equivalent of Rob Liefeld, but Liefeld at least seem self-aware about it and is willing to make fun of himself.

Luckily for Snyder there is a large group of aggressively adolescent men who eat that shit up.

Snyder is what happens when that 13 year old edgelord in class never grows up and somehow fails upward in life.

welp, looks like you won’t catch it, because it’s only on HBO Max, and will only ever be on HBO Max. 

Geoff Johns, Allan Heinburg, and Jason Fuchs co-wrote with Snyder on the first one.

“Directed by Patty Jenkins from a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns , a story by Heinberg, Zack Snyder, and Jason Fuchs"

The second is not necessarily bad for a super hero movie, but it is not as good as the first. 

I don’t think it was a directing problem. Jenkins is a decent director. She is an absolute shitty writer, though. She didn’t write WW1, zach snyder did. It was definitely an editing/writing problem. 

I feel like the people who thought TLJ and the Sequels were great are not watching what Star Wars was meant to be. It’s a hero’s journey, not a hero’s downfall. As you said, the OT was about hope and optimism, not cynicism and depression.

This is exactly it. TLJ is a deconstruction and rejection of classic Star Wars tropes - but in so doing, it can be seen in many ways as a rejection of what makes Star Wars “Star Wars.