
My problem with that is with blaming The Last Jedi for giving a logical reason for Luke’s departure and failure to return, as though Luke Skywalker disappeared after Kylo Ren destroyed the Jedi temple and slaughtered the other students” and “Luke is safe on Ahch-Toweren’t things it inherited from The Force Awakens.

I do appreciate that, thank you.

TLJ was a masterfully crafted abomination. Johnson is a gifted director and storyteller but just the wrong person for Star Wars; he single-handedly (enabled by Disney’s High Command) scandalized the fandom and it resulted in the arguably worse abortion that is ROS.  

Meh, you’re overthinking it. I’m just pretending 7-9 didn’t happen, and enjoying the show. That’s all it needs to be.

I think you just defined why I did not care for the sequels. I didn’t WANT movies where Han Solo is murdered by his son or Luke Skywalker is broken and bitter. For me, the OT was about hope and wonder and a lot of fun. There was even some of that in the prequels until they ended up where they needed to go. But the

You know, I have never finished a Star Wars entry without something to talk about after the credits. Filling in various parts of the lore and backstory in my opinion often opens up new pathways to explore and wonder about.

They did in the IGN video. Said the shots are from two production test models. One that had working lighting but bad colours. Other had good colours but no lighting. The drooping nacelle was the Eaglemoss guy saying he had taken it off right before filming and apparently didn’t put it back right.

Not disagreeing on the quality of the model. It was incredibly stupid of them to not wait for a final model with a better fitting panels and pieces.

Yeah they hide both the total price and total time to complete. With good reason since with a little math (and the FAQ), the answers are “over $1800" and “at least 2-and-a-half years,” respectively.

You can do some math and get to it. They give all of the information. Its 120 kits at $15.35 / kit (price plus shipping).

As if Yoda is any kind of standard to go by? Chewbacca? Greedo, Wedge or Biggs? Mon? I really don’t understand peoples criticism for The Child’s name. It seems to be right in line with the species (though we know very few characters of this species) but even more so, it is not even close to the weirdest-sounding name

I was thinking they should have called him Yogu or Yorgu? Ya think they would have kept with the “Y” naming but maybe that’s too on the nose.

It’s better than Yada, the only other named or known version of this species besides Yoda. I think it will Gro(gu) on you. 

One of my kids kept calling him “Roku.”

not orange because for story purposes shes’s supposed to be able to blend in with regular humans (counterpoint Donald Trump, i guess). iirc she has amnesia for a chunk of S1 and doesn’t even know she’s an alien, initially.

Damn it, yours is MUCH better!

How many legislative Avengers would we need to Assemble?

I read the book years ago.  It’s . . . interesting.  I can’t imagine it working as a movie.  There’s a reason they haven’t released it yet.

I really loved seeing Djarin’s reaction to finding out that there are other Mandalorian sects out there, and that they don’t all believe what he believes. All that time, he’s been told “This is the Way” only to find out there are other interpretations of the Way, that maybe he really doesn’t know his culture as well