
Counterpoint - and this is coming from someone who loves Star Wars - It was clearly meant as a joke, and people should relax a little.  Just a little.

It doesn’t have to be PRESTIIIIGE but Star Wars at its best elevates the genre out of the so-called “sci fi ghetto” into something admired by folks who may only have a passing interest in science fiction. To boil it down as “space wizards for children” is as simple-minded as “all animation is just for kids”, which is

But it could be more Deadwood if Ian McShane played a Sand People chieftain and kept calling Cobb Vanth a cocksucker.

I am all for a cliche and trope filled movie if they are WELL DONE tropes and cliches. 

Agreed. I think he’s an excellent director as well, but the script needs to be up to snuff as well. Hard to tell if that’s the case here. I am cautiously optimistic.

Clooney is a pretty good director, so I would err on the side of optimism.

Is cloony trying to create distance between this and Solaris?

B5 was incredibly low-budget, it really was produced on a shoestring. You just have to forgive the show the simplistic bad sets and the costumes and whatnot. And season 1 is mostly world-building, it is mostly “monster of the week” type episodes to set the scene, and most of those episodes weren’t written by JMS either

Almost completely unrelated, but the intro sequence to the Buck Rogers TV series is one of my all-time faves. Considering how good Farscape was with a similar premise, I wouldn’t mind seeing a Buck Rogers reboot.

I always get that feeling when I watch The Chef Show. Roy Choi is obviously and incredibly skilled chef, but I love seeing his passion for the craft and how invested he gets in what others are doing and how they do it. Like you said, truly great people in any field, but especially creatively are never truly done

And all because he wants to help a kid find it’s home.

Aw, shucks! The half hour I put into composing that really paid off!!

The climax of The Last Jedi is Luke’s redemption; the rest of the film is him getting there.

Oh wow, that was me! I wrote that!! Can’t tell you how much it means to me that my comment resonated with someone else :-)  MTFBWY

I don’t know how people thought that TFA could have led to any other version of Luke.”

Yep. I could see how VIII might be very different, and possibly “better” if in a different trilogy, but I honestly think given the setup of VII, VIII absolutely made sense and was also beautifully done. And this approach to Luke could also work well even with a different VII. I think the fans blaming RJ for “ruining”

Its absurd how many parallels there are to Abrams and Shyamalan.  I wish Hollywood would realize what you need to do is have them in the director’s chair, but as far away as possible from the writer’s room.

You love the sequels?? Wow, they have managed to turn me off Star Wars completely, apart from the Mandalorian, it’s our only hope. 

The problem is right now they presumably aren’t filming new material. 

Unfortunately until a vaccine is widely available expect to spend a lot of time indoors. We are just over the crest of the “First Wave”. I’d be willing to bet a “Second Wave” strikes this fall. Was Coronavirus just a device to sell us Disney+? That's a mystery for the historians.