
Oh man, I loved Blade Runner, so I don’t know what to tell you there. Hard to blame him much for Arrival though, it’s based on a short story.

I’m gonna have to agree with you here, I’m a huge blade runner fan, I went to see the new one at one o’ them fancy laser IMAX theaters with another huge blade runner fan. We talked about the movie for like 30 seconds walking out of the theater, we agreed it looked good, but I think that was the last time I thought

Pleeeeease watch his Sicario, that’ll win you over.

The two things can be true at the same time.

The part where the female zombie explains how they’re in constant agony and NEED to eat to feel something other than pain still gets to me as an adult. Genuinely terrifying to think about.

I’m not a huge fan of Ragnarok. Was it a bad movie? No, but it’s not some pinnacle of Marvel that everyone keeps trying to make it out to be. 

Jason X

Yeah, the only films I can think of off the top of my head where the vampires are trying to treat us as badly as we treat livestock is Blade - but I may be misremembering.. If the vampires are plotting to battery farm us, that’s not cool. that case, every carnivore on Earth is also a monster. Eating other things is what living things do

And Keanu Reece’s comically awful English accent!

Or he’s based on Mr. Slave, during that Whore-Off with Paris Hilton.

Well played.

They made a figure of the B’Omarr Monk

Even the opening weekend projections has the consensus feeling the same way, around $44 million, which adjusted for inflation, would place it neck and neck with Good Dinosaur as the worst Pixar opening weekend ever.

sigh, i had this once. 

If you’re talking Harmy, you really should upgrade ANH to 4K77 SkyMaster Beta One and ROTJ to 4K83 v1.2.2 (if you don’t like a noisy sandstorm of grain on your TV. Then never mind and go straight 4K77/4K83)

This. This this this.

On the other hand almost *everything* with Luke and Leia from the sequel trilogy was a disaster.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I thought Jason X was brilliant.

Thank you for sharing this. I don’t get the hate for this movie, and I definitely don’t understand the take that it was glorifying/empowering domestic terrorism. This was very clearly a movie about how we marginalize the most vulnerable in our society and what that might lead them to be capable of. It’s not film’s job