
You missed the entire message of the movie, next to Parasite it was the movie with the most to say about our social structures and responses.

I feel that these artists didn’t know what they were saying.

Favreau and Filoni get it. They need a trilogy. full creative control of all SW property from here on out.


I think it's key that a person could watch, understand and appreciate The Mandalorian without having watched any other Star Wars.

The Mandalorian uses fanservice to enhance the experience. Rise of Skywalker uses fanservice as the experience. One is fun (see my display pic) the other is cliche.

Toy Story 4, in hindsight, was no where near as good as it’s predecessors. It feels incredibly tacked on with a ton of “Oh I can tell this was done for a spin-off moments.”

I thought HTTYD3 was really, really disappointing (other than the excellent visuals), but I agree Klaus was fantastic and would be a worthy winner.

If you liked his artwork there, and haven’t done so, follow him on twitter. He’s very active and you see lots more of his work including current stuff.

I completely agree with you.  One other thing to remember is that it has to walk a pretty fine line where it’s not oversanitized but not too gory for the masses to prop up Disney+.  I would say that Favreau and Filoni have walked that line as perfectly as humanly possible.

So when are we getting a buddy cop movie of Henry Cavill’s Geralt and Tom Hardy’s Mad Max? The script is only going to have about 2 pages of dialogue.

Filed to: Sloppy Storytelling for Expediency’s Sake

The excuses nerds are willing to entertain to fill in the blanks might be the worst part.

How do you know a film critic has burned out? When “hope” is considered an overused trope.

When the credits rolled I felt the way you feel when a family member that’s been sick for a very long time finally dies.

It all depends on story.  And they are moving forward in the TNG era, that is a win for me.  This is the first time since 2002 that Star Trek has moved FORWARD.

A season or two and they should be fine. They need to have one hell of a story to push it much further then that.

That’s less the fault of either director and more the fault of Disney, who rushed the first movies into theaters without a solid plan of where the story was going. Abrams, correctly assuming “The Force Awakens” to be the first in a trilogy, left a bunch of puzzle boxes around the plot to be opened later, but never

It’s as if JJ decided to make a pop song and in the second verse, Rian said, “Nah.... let’s switch it to Classical”.  Nothing meshes.  Things should flow organically.  Rian’s vision doesn’t flow from TFA.

I’d like to add two notes to this because I agree wholeheartedly.

Completely agree. First and foremost, TLJ is just terrible story telling that doesn’t logically flow. In addition, Johnson relies heavily on “oh no, something bad is going to happen to our heroes... JUST KIDDING! They got saved last minute by something random!”