
Remember the time that Finn found himself in a love story with a woman he met about 8 hours before she professed her love for him?


The prequels committed so many heinous crimes, how can anyone narrow it down to one above all the others?

I can think of two reasons they chose not to:

“...tossed his character in the garbage chute.”  lol, i see what you did there...

Leaning so hard on the old cast? This Disney fanfic did everything it could to destroy the old cast. At no point have the sequels leaned on the old cast. They have thrown away the old cast and destroyed their characters, in favor of Ma-Rey Sue, comic relief trooper, and “toxic masculinity” idiot fighter jock. Those

If Death Star II exploded above the forest moon of Endor, and what we see of it in the trailer is on this ocean planet, is that Endor proper, or another moon of Endor, or did they some how pilot the remains to Kamino or Mon Calamari or some other ocean world before it hit the dust?

The previous two entries rangw from horrible, to horribly flawed. So the bar for this to be better than those is already pretty low.

If you’ve never played the PS3 game (that was recently remastered for PS4) you should. It was written partly by Aykroyd and Ramis and explores what was originally set to be the third movie’s plot about the return of Gozer. Good game.

Lord. That seems to be everybody, whether they liked the reboot or the originals more. “We don’t have faith” about sums it all up. 

Cavill has ALL the charm that a wonderful Superman would have. It blows my mind that Snichder (sp, I’m not gonna look it up.) wanted to be “lets turn down the charm, and how about you look dour for the next several films that you’re in?”

Cavill is a great actor, but I’ve never seen him be the “hopeful” character that Superman needs to be, like Christopher Reeves. Reeves really set the bar, you don’t need to look like him, you just need to be able to portray the sense of “Everything’s gonna be okay now that I’m here.”

Yes. Yes please. Cavill was a perfect Superman and I would love to see him again. Happy Superman, like in the third act of Justice League. Not alien sociopath Superman, like in BvS.

Counter point.

That comic was both batshit insane and incredibly good. So many great moments, like that possible future where Skynet actually wins and all the Terminators silently rise their fists in triump... and then it decides that limiting machine order to just earth is not enough.


The “skull-covered robot-apocalpyse” was only ever designed to be backstory. The place of the future where we, in our modern day happiness, want to avoid traveling to. The bedrock of the Terminator franchise has always been time travel, fighting the future in the modern day to prevent its existence.

It is impressive that, after all this time, I can watch the entire trailer and not feel a shred of emotion.

Subverting expectations in a way that plays into good storytelling only occurs when the ultimate reveal makes everything fall into place<<Again, completely agree.