

So you got to see it too?  Wow!  You guys are soooo lucky!  Hope to see it in the movies in my area soon and on DVD!  Amazingly cool you go to see it before it hits the theaters. 

If the film is coming out in October 2020 how did you get to see it right away?  How how many hours was it?  Is it really scary????  Do they show flash backs to the original?

Wow. I felt precisely the opposite about the movie and loved most of it. Clever camerawork, enjoyable subversions, and some fun new ways to explore the inevitability of Michael Meyers.

If not Star Wars, hopefully something else at least; it’s a special feeling for sure

Hey, no problem. Sorry if I came off badly here and there, I just get kind of defensive of things I like at a certain point (which has long since been passed with TLJ)

First of all, thank you, sincerely; this is the kind of thing I’m talking about. The vast majority of what I remember reading about TLJ (don’t remember much from TFA other than “it’s a rehash of ANH”) was basically, “I’m not sexist for not liking it...Rey is a Mary Sue...Holdo and everything she does sucks...Luke

Well said. I’m with you.

He did this exact same thing with Star Trek. Nothing makes sense unless you buy the prequel comics and the tie-in novel...written by somebody else of course.

Holy shit. Preach! 

Can’t agree anymore. To be upfront I own the Battlefront 2 game, and I’ve bought and read every single new canon novel. I love a lot of them. TLJ novel even added some elements that make me appreciate the movie even more after walking out of the theaters stunned and disappointed. But to your point (and you’re totally

Needs more stars.

That was the best part of TLJ, even more so than the Holdo manuver

Jesus Christ, we have switchblade lightsabers now...

Honestly, this wouldn’t surprise me. Stan Lee being dead has made him financially moot to these monolithic profit machines, and that’s all their management cares about. Any semblance of human decency is a PR stunt, and that only matters when/if they require a boost in the business’s public image that might improve

Because that was only reason he stayed on Tatootine to begin with; to keep Luke from Vader and the Emperor. Leaving for any reason defeats that purpose. He’s not going to be able to sense Vader or Palpatine coming if he’s not there. It’s like saying a guard shouldn’t have to stay at his post.

A roll of tennis racket grip tape works wonders on saber hilts if you’re actually looking at using them for anything other than belt hangers/display pieces. I’ve tried other options (baseball bat wrap, bike handle wrap, etc). Many of them ended up too thick once wrapped around the hilt, but the tennis stuff is just

But in fairness, lots of kids’ / family movies that turn out wonderful have trailers that aren’t nearly as good as the movies themselves. That’s particularly true of lots of Disney / Pixar stuff.

I also get that this version is totally for kids, so I’m going to cut it some slack.

They really nailed the proportions of each element in that version of the costume. Everything from the width (and height) of the belt to the size of the “S” on his chest works. Compare that with what the did to Brandon Routh’s costume in Superman Returns. His red trunks rode way too low, and worst of all they decided