
I hope the show is better than the trailer, which was almost a parody of every space SciFi trailer ever.

Watch Genndy Tratakovsky’s The Clone Wars. Probably the best Jedi stories ever made. The battle between Grevious and the Jedi is one of the coolest sequences ever.

replacing one shitty movie with a shitty movie. Not exactly a high benchmark 

Oh I agree. The reboot was a bore. I think it was a lack of imagination in terms of the nightmare sequences for me.

You can be creative without getting campy.

See, I’d argue that a bleak remake of Friday the 13th is something that WOULD distinguish it enough to justify its existence. The first Nightmare was scary but developed more into camp with each successive entry.

There’s nothing wrong with that. The campier Nightmares are still a delight, but I also think there’s

“Does lightning strike twice? Yes. But VERY rarely.”

In Highlander after The Kurgan leaves the church where he meets with MacLoud, he steals a car with a little old lady in it. He grins at her and says “Mom!” before throwing her through the windshield.


One thing I’d really like to see is an exploration of Palpatine’s journey from his original homeworld, Earth, to Naboo and how he established himself there. I think it would be very exciting to find out how he crossed the void through time and space and found his way into the galaxy of Star Wars.

This is what happens when you hire directors that some may say have diametrically opposed styles. Seriously JJ and Rian are like oil and water, they’re styles don’t mix, they’re effectively fundamental opposites. One relies heavily on nostalgia while the other tries to rip it out root and stem, one loves setting up

One of my friends had a great alternative which would’ve been to let Yoda have a lightsaber, but fight completely using Force levitation.

Against palpatine, who he was equally matched with, the force probably wouldnt have helped much.  

It wasn’t the lightsaber for me. It was him hobbling around with a walking stick, then bouncing around all over the place which never jived.

I think that the quality of the movies exploring the universe is the problem. The film makers seem scared to create a movie that can stand on its own, and always feel the need to tie it into the Original Trilogy which is making the universe feel small and unoriginal. If they were to be more bold and tell new stories,

Not nearly as silly as Yoda turning into the Tasmanian Devil with a lightsaber. 

Yes please, I don’t need to hear Darth Vader yell “Noooooo”, I don’t need extra critters on Tatooine, and I SURELY don’t need to see Hayden Christensen instead of Sebastian Shaw sitting there with Yoda and Obi-Wan on Endor.  Sorry, I hated all the edits.  Give me 4K originals. 

I get you. I’m a lifelong Star Wqrs fan as well. Watch the movies, read the books, play(ed) the RPGs, etc. After The Last Jedi and all the shitshow that led to, I was just so exhausted by anything Star Wars. I even skipped Solo. Then I thought long and hard about it and realized that SW is just a bunch of movies. It’s

I think Star Wars has been one long heartache for Lucas, filled with multiple attempts to exorcise his demons.

Yeah. Berman and Braga have made mention of that before.