
Lucas is a great idea man. He needs people around him to temper his ideas and make them coherent.

Kids are going to look at that classic artwork now and ask “Why is Darth Vader fighting Star-Lord?”

My biggest disappointment was that the story didn’t progress. The characters didn’t progress. Everything is in the exact same state it was at the beginning of TFA. We have a super powerful Rey, an emo Kylo, no Luke and a First Order in control. Nothing has changed. No development. Just action and travel and fluff.

Do they have A New Hope in hell? I’d love to watch at least one of the best two Star Wars flicks there.

Or, for that matter, slowing things down to have that thing that used to be known as a “plot”.

we still don’t know much, like how the film’s take on the Wayne family will factor into Arthur’s downfall

I really feel like the prequels are the end result of decades of hero worship. You really can see it in the behind the scenes stuff. No one had the guts to be anything other than a yes man to George, no matter how obviously shit an idea may be. Honestly, I probably would have just gone along for the ride and not said

The greatest fault of the prequels was that nobody had the guts to say “George, this is fucking stupid.”

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I agree it’s Winter Soldier, but disagree on the choice. He’s super-strong in the movies, so it’s really no big deal to punch out a bunch of regular dudes or even go one-on-one with a trained killer (Bartroc). But his street battle with Bucky on the other hand was nothing but awesome because Bucky was not only equally

Bay reminds me of a Paul WS Anderson if he had had more success.  

I think that was always wishful thinking. At his best Bay was always a capable, talented technician. But his films were ALWAYS dumb as rocks and noise/busy. The only ones that are truly well regarded (The Rock, and Bad Boyz). Are a comedy, and movie that’s in part well loved because it’s dumb as rocks and to the

While the movie version of The Shining is undoubtedly a cultural touchstone and important in innumerable ways, I do much prefer the book because while it never lets Jack Torrance off the hook for his horrible behavior towards his wife and son, it also paints what, to me, is a very believable portrait of a man

DUDE - saw the same thing! At the very end he - and you CANNOT make this stuff up - comes out of the floor on a DRUM riser behind a double-kick drum set, flexing and sleeveless, butchers a drum solo and then attempts to play to a song (was it Louie Louie? Maybe). The massiveness of his narcissism was only dwarfed by

The only Terminator movie that ever needed to be made after T2 was a movie set in the future that culminates with John sending Kyle Reese to 1984 to protect his mother from the original Terminator, closing the time loop between the three films.

Maybe IGN, as they got this:

This is such a stupid controversy on so many levels. In the words of Patton Oswalt “You’re going to miss everything cool and die angry.”

I loathe these “first reaction” tweet things. They’ve become so misleading that they actually make me mistrust their responses. First reactions to Solo: A Star Wars Story? Glowing. First reactions to Captain Marvel? Glowing. Ready Player One? Mostly glowing. Deadpool 2? Glowing. Justice League? More positive than

Well part of the problem is no one asked for an origin story. A young Han Solo story? Sure. But no—-and I mean no one—-ever asked, “Hmm, do you think maybe Solo’s not his real name and a statement about the character?”

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The answer is of course the reveal of the Protector.

Lord/Miller probably would have done a better job with friend and I were only able to get 27 minutes in before we had to just...stop it. We’re lifelong Star Wars fans but that was some hot unwatchable garbage.