
If I don’t care about the characters then why am I watching their story?

Agreed. Inception is good, but when you re-watch it, so much of the movie is them EXPLAINING the movie to you. It’s so much of the movie that it’s like re-playing the first level of a video game.

Yup, Nolan movies are intricate clockwork contraptions: technically amazing but devoid of emotions. His movies are purely intellectual affairs, and thus whenever he attempts to deal with emotions, we get Hattaway’s speech on love in Interstellar. Talking about Hattaway in Interstellar, one of the symptom on Nolan

I enjoyed the story structure of “Inception” but I had absolutely NO emotional investment in the characters. The film is very cleverly constructed, but it’s psychologically hollow.

I wanted to love Interstellar (Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain in the same movie!) but the opening scene of the movie was the first time I almost walked out of the theater to complain that they’d messed something up. Afterward I mentioned it to my friend and he explained ::points up at the article:: I still can’t

Inception and Interstellar were passe fiction? Run of the mill film-making?

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Just gonna give a shout out to one of my favourite scenes in any Trek movie. Who knew backing out of a garage could be so exciting?

This is everything that is wrong with Star Wars. Too much inter-connection.

I still don’t get what everyone saw in the first one. Crass commercialism aside (it’s a bloody ad, people!), it had the main character “get the girl” literally just for being the main character. That’s not a good look, let alone a good message for kids. That’s how you raise incels. And noone ever mentions this!

How could she think that just because she bought it that it was now hers

Geez, she made almost a 200,000% profit off of a $1000 investment over 2.5 years and she is suing NASA because she felt she should have made more?

Squirm is now on Amazon Prime. My mom took me to a triple feature at the drive in when I was 6 and we saw that, Tenacles and At the Earth’s Core. We got home at 2am. I thought I was so adult, first time I was allowed to stay up anywhere that late!

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1979 also brought Frankenheimer’s grimy-slimy eco-horror Prophecy, with Talia Shire, made-for-TV horror stalwart Robert Foxworth, and the other Italian actor from Judge Dredd (the one who did not also play Talia Shire’s husband) as a Native American:

I have made the game longer for myself by doing some boundary breaking in the broken bridge level, the sand-surfing level, the underground level, and the frozen level. I have not been able to go out-of-bounds on the other levels (yet). I think the underground level is the easiest to break out of, and it is exciting to

Beautiful art. Also, I love Journey. So relaxing.

I don’t disagree with any of that, except to say that I believe, in theory, that they could be faithfully recreated in new product if they could find somebody who was effectively excellent at impersonating one of the classic directors, from animation style to humour style.

But even that would feel like a cheat because

In 2019, if you put Bugs Bunny and Axl Rose side by side, I’m disappointed by how far Bugs Bunny has fallen rather than Axl. Fucking twilight zone, man.

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Left Foot Media did a brilliant (and right on point) breakdown of what was wrong with even the first three minutes of The Last Jedi — he pegged what was substandard about the movie even in the opening scene.

...right up until he turned into an old man. That’s where, for me, it felt a little... creepy?

Here’s a weird question: do the sequels — i.e., Eps. VII-VIII — feel “Kurtzian” to you?