
I was hoping to feel the same, but for me, the execution was mostly amateurish and I never once felt any suspense. I’m glad you were able to enjoy it, though!

It doesn’t matter who they bring back at this point. This most recent sequel looked like it was going to be pretty good, but IMHO, they utterly failed to deliver on anything promised in the trailers. Laurie Strode’s psychological turmoil was suggested but never fully explored, same thing with the effect it had on her

Eeeh, unless there’s WAY more action sequences we haven’t seen, we’ve already been given some major bits of several set pieces.  Honestly, I just don’t care much.  I have seen the TV show, which people is good, but everything since T2 has been mediocre or pure shin-ola.

IIRC, the story is that he was a special effects person on this film. The director left or was fired or didn’t want credit for some reason, so they asked Cameron if they could use his name and he said yes.

Gives away too much and I’m still not sold on the whole idea. Too many once-vaunted directors have returned to their franchises and taken massive shits on them for me to get too excited.

IMHO, the only story option left that’s viable is to show us how John Connor and Kyle Reese met in the future and how their

You mean Palpatine’s comment from RoTS? That film is 14 years old and the in-universe time frame is many decades longer, so that feels like a massive stretch to me.  I can only recall two mentions of the Clone Wars in Episode IV, and nothing in TEST, ROTJ, TFA, or TLJ.

My wife and I don’t have kids, and part of the reason we’re married is because we both agreed on this fundamental decision for ourselves and our future.

I was eight when the original film came out. It changed my world for quite awhile. Now I’m honestly not sure if I would still call myself a fan because despite all the content that’s out there, very little interests me.

I must thank you heartily as well! It’s been a pleasure to have such a civil discussion about such an incendiary subject. I’m rarely so reactionary about most films, although after “Prometheus” it took awhile before I could talk about it without gnashing my teeth.

I did not have expansive expectations about how the films were going to play out. I was just hoping that they would be good.  I don’t like to guess or theorize much about what will happen because if you guess correctly, the impact of the reveal is lessened. If you guess incorrectly, then you may be disappointed more

No, I’m blaming the filmmakers for making two films so disparate in tone and message and so absent in logic that the few fans who still want to believe that this last film will actually redeem all the flaws of the previous ones are desperately reaching out for explanations to make sense of the mess.

There’s already plenty of substantive criticism out there if you want to find it. I don’t know whether you’ve read any of it or watched any of the YouTube analyses, but I have and I agree wholeheartedly with most of them. TLJ is an objectively bad film, and TFA is not much better. Disney’s track record with this

While I will agree that the second part contradicting the first can work, in this case I do not believe that it does because none of the contradictions in TLJ lead to greater understanding. Another poster on this site offered the following, and I think it’s the best argument against Rian’s approach:

No, I’m blaming the filmmakers for not establishing proper character arcs and telling their own story in this trilogy and instead grabbing references from places that few viewers will recognize who are not rabid consumers of all things Star Wars.

The thing I could not understand about his Star Trek was doing an alternate timeline.  Why?  If you’re going to do a reboot, commit to it.  Abrams seems to have a deep-seated fear of actually creating new material in both his franchise incarnations, and so each merely becomes a shadow of something much better.

Well, you’ve clearly stated your position and I completely disagree with you on every single point. Your arguments are excuses. Getting more of something that used to be good and embracing it despite its glaring flaws and excusing it when it’s slipshod, lazy and insulting is not something I’m able to do.

I’ll be interested to hear the reactions, but I have a feeling that they’ll sound quite familiar.

That “truly pathetic rant” was mostly meant to be a joke. That’s why Rorschach got the punchline.

First of all, TFA and TLJ are f*cking riddled with blanks. Their screenplays have such gaping holes that you couldn’t catch a Bantha in them! Neither of these films make sense by themselves or together. In fact, they function as complete opposites in terms of their themes and tone. Nearly everything potentially

My issue with this trailer and most of the trailer breakdowns and theories for the Disney films is this: why are some many of the supposed hints based on story or character elements from outside the films?