
Meh, just like the movie, this is all buildup to a supposedly scary moment with a reaction that's not even as funny as Billy Boyd's high-pitched squeal during the fireworks scene in LOTR: Fellowship.

I wholeheartedly agree! I'm always surprised to hear how people don't "get" this film. The main point of the story is to examine the husband's long and difficult journey towards accepting of the death of his wife and ultimately himself.

For those who are truly interested in developing their saber skills, please click over to:


I find it interesting that every episode except for one occurs during the original run of the series. My circle of friends were all HUGE Futurama fans, yet none of them has ever recommended that I see the new series. While I loved the first three DVD movies, the final one was so unfunny ("Into The Wild Green

I definitely would have been more entertained and satisfied with my viewing experience if this had been shown in the theater right after the credits.


The unnecessary amount of strident justification being piled this film's ham-fisted pacing, gaping plot holes and idiotic characterization is beginning to close the gap with the Star Wars prequels. It's not Shinola, folks, it's the other thing. Move along, nothing to see here.

The other really creepy thing that they don't mention is that even after the bee flies off to die, the disconnected stinger and it's associated organs keep pumping poison into the wound!


Just got back from seeing it and I wholeheartedly agree with all your points. Where was the stately pacing?! The shifts in tone were plentiful and jarring, especially when Noomi Rapace's character goes from the operating table to her meeting with Weyland in just a few minutes.

Ooooh, lessee: Crossroads (Britney Spears), Bloodrayne, Mighty Peking Man, The Apple, Irish Jam, Catwoman, Doom, both Fantastic Fours, those are the ones I can think of right now. There's about three dozen titles all told.

Must be a HUGE Giger fan!

Satan popped a boner.

I'm so thrilled this film won the title! It was my inspiration to create the "Shelf of Shame" at the local video store I manage (YES, they still exist). "Battlefield Earth" is such a colossally inept failure on so many levels, I felt that it needed it's own special place. Along with a few dozen other choice

@ nicecubes - Brilliant, sir! I tip my hat to you!

Drat! Another sci-fi luminary whom I'll never get the chance to meet and profusely thank for hyperspacing my imagination to infinity and beyond. We'll miss ya, Ralph!

It's not April Fool's yet!

Costco brand moo juice?! I feel a tremor in the Force!

That all depends on whether you even acknowledge the prequels. Not In My House! :-)