
The sole moment in the ST where Luke gets to be who we want him to be.

My cold, dead Star Wars heart watching this trailer:

Seriously. This is all I can hope for from Disney at this point. Just the original films with their teasers and full trailers. No special features or commentary is necessary. We’ve seen all that before many times.

I really hope you and I are both wrong, but sadly, I doubt it.

I’m well aware of this, and if you read the second and third paragraphs again you will see that I state this quite clearly. The point that I was making was that this trailer is very similar to Nolan’s style, and that is why I have my reservations the film.

This is still not working for me at all.

They should just call it “Derivative.”

You can actually treat sewage so that it won’t fuck up our world, but you cannot retcon the eternal geyser of diarrhea that is this new “trilogy.” It was shit then, it’s shit now, it’ll be shit forever.

I very much want this to be good, but the rampant CGI in the trailers concerns me quite a bit. Aside for the story and characters, the aspect of the original film which I have always enjoyed was that most of the effects in the film are practical.

The only thing I want Disney to do with Fox is release the restored original theatrical trilogy on Blu-Ray and 4K. No special features are necessary. No brand-new graphics slathered all over the box. Just this:

I’ll be interested to see if they can actually make the story entertaining. I tried to read this about 8-10 years when I was about forty, and it was plodding and ponderous. Pages and pages of lurid, laborious description and internal dialogue which came off like free-association ramblings rather than coherent thought.

Again, agreed! The trend of filling in EVERY SINGLE NARRATIVE space that’s not documented on film needs stop now. Pretty soon we’ll have a TV series called “Obi-Wan Kenobi: Bathroom Brouhaha - Season 7.”

Wholeheartedly agree. The plan would clearly have irrevocable consequences for many, but it seems like the Russos did whatever they could to avoid having those repercussions affect most of the characters so that everyone gets a happily ever after.

I honestly found the entire time travel scenario cliched and needlessly convoluted. I felt no urgency and no excitement about it. IMHO, they should have figured out some other way. I couldn’t track all the different potential outcomes, and as such, I stopped caring about the outcome.

We all KNEW Thanos was going to be

Cool! Thanks for the tip!

Yep! The control boxes, knobs and rubber ridges are not good for easy transfers, especially on the Graflex-style hilts, are not comfortable to me at all. OT Obi-Wan’s is best because at least the control box is in the middle of the hilt, but ROTJ’s Luke’s has it at the bottom, which right where you need a hand on the

I always liked the design of Mace’s saber hilt, but having done some stage combat using battle-ready LED sabers, it’s critical flaw from a practical standpoint is that it doesn’t have a choke.

Whenever Sandler farts in his sleep, one of his aides turns it into a screenplay.

I love you Angrier Geek. You saved me so much typing this morning!

Not only does the movie look as bland as Wonder Bread with the crusts cut off, this trailer is WAY TOO LONG. Are multiple stingers on trailers a thing now? At least no one needs to go and see the movie now, because they just showed us the entire,

I was never a big Transformers fan as I never really watched the show. The animated movie was fun, but I gotta say, the appeal of this toy is purely its massive size.