
Indeed! I do like the subtle patterns in the cloth that were added, which gives the colors a little more texture, but that’s it.

Agreed. I think the challenge is twofold: as you said, these characters have existed in popular culture for generations, and have been celebrated and mocked many, many times. More to the point, familiarity doesn’t usually elicit fear because once something is known, it loses the power of that mystery.

I’m continue to be baffled that so many people are pouring such much more creative effort into a cardboard cutout of a character.

Is anyone surprised by this?  I would never get one of these devices for this very reason.  All you’re doing is paying a corporation to bring a bug into your home.

Oh my, yes! Looks totally generic. Clearly there’s money in this, but having no history with the games or any other material to stoke my interest, there is nothing in this trailer that we haven’t seen a thousand times before.

Okay, so they keep saying that the action’s gonna be “next level”, but what about the characters and the story? What about the writing? I can personally say that all the eye-popping, badass action is not going to mean shit to me if I don’t care about the characters.

All the furries right now. . .

I can only hope the film is more complex and nuanced, because this second second trailer did not do anything to sway my “meh” reaction to the first.

Same. My wife and I went to see it in the theater, and we both had to restrain ourselves from guffawing constantly because the attempts at fright were SO foreshadowed and none of the actual horror scenes were done with anything remotely resembling subtlety.

You cannot improve upon perfection.

How can you improve on this design?

I’m not choosing to ignore the obvious plot point, I’m saying that while this plot point is clearly crucial to the story, it’s introduction within the narrative of the season and the overall show is cursory at best.

I just don’t find it credible, and I cannot recall any line of dialogue that even suggested how this massive, super-secret base was built without any of the activities associated with the scale of such a project going unnoticed.

With an attitude like that, I suspect he only lesser half that he’s ever going to get is Rosy Palm and her Five Sisters, and until that attitude changes for the better, I would say it’s deserved.

I don’t see how one mayor of one podunk town in the seeming middle of nowhere would have the international influence and more importantly, the financial backing to make it all happen. Even for an eighties movie, that’s a real stretch. There’s nothing in the dialogue or plot to suggest how all this is happening or why.

I hope that they have found a way to strike a balance (nyuk) between good choreography and making the moves look like attacks. A big part of my issue with the Prequel fighting is that it looks too much like a dance. There’s very little psychological intensity conveyed through the strikes.

I’ll take any of the fights in

Honestly, the original story idea sounds just as problematic to me. Why would the Predators need hybrids of themselves to conquer Earth when they already have intergalactic spaceship travel tech?

Exactly my feeling as well. That trailer is awful. You could carbon most of the cliches, and nothing else about it has an spark of creativity or originality. It looks utterly and unrelentingly bland and predictable.

Yep, this season was REALLY mediocre. I’m seriously starting to wonder if this show is going to go the way of Battlestar Galactica and just fritter away it’s good will because they are unable and/or unwilling to put the work into creating a cohesive storyline in advance.

I was underwhelmed by the entire season for this reason. They never explain why the Russians want to open another portal, nor do they explain how the Russians could possibly have build this MASSIVE and undoubtedly VERY expensive facility smack dab in the West Central USA. Those are two major narrative requirements