
Here’s a great quote from someone on this site who succinctly broke down why RJ’s approach in that regard is a bad choice:

SO agree. Rey has ZERO development. The “reveal” of her parentage comes off like a red herring, and doesn’t really seem to affect her decisions afterward. Whereas when Luke discovers that Vader is his father, that sets him on the path to redeeming him.  His goal is clear.

OMG, thank you. That’s a HUGE part of my problem with the way JJ and Rian handled Luke’s character. I could totally buy him having a fall from grace, but IMHO, we were NOT given enough information to make that fall feel justified.

Me too.  It was the only decision Rian made in TLJ with which I agreed.

THANK YOU. While I can understand a genetic component of connection in regards to power, “the Force runs strong in my family”, the Prequels turned much of that on its head with the, IMHO, ridiculous notion of midichlorians. While Lucas’ interpretation changed over the years, I grew up with the originals, and I always

Every time this subject of how Rian handled things comes up, I always think of this one post on this site back from when TLJ first came out, because I find it to be the best summation of my issues with the film and with Luke’s character in particular:

Agreed. This is the Joker’s film. To bring in any other characters, especially Batman, would make the entire film come off like a feature length trailer for a film that doesn’t have an actor, director or script yet.

Wow. Well, I am now VERY interested. This looks gritty and dark, but in a mature, intellectual & psychological way. I think the comparisons to “King of Comedy” are quite apt, as both films involve characters who want to be liked, but go about that in ways that usually have the opposite effect.

I regret that I only have one upvote to give this perfect comment.

I’m glad you mentioned Lucas, because it doesn’t seem that many people understand that the first two film were very collaborative. SO many artists, designers, painters and model makers contributed so much crucial and eventually iconic ideas, vehicles and characters, and that’s a huge part of why those first two films

I mean, I’ve always disliked his films because I found them to be incredibly juvenile and stupid in most aspects. But I reserved judgment on him as a person because I hadn’t heard much. This however, this makes me wonder about the motivations around his daughters suicide, and whether some of them came from a father

I only saw “Parents” recently as a friend of mine bought the Blu-Ray.

THANK YOU. I loved the book, and the reason I’ve never watched the film all the way through is because I did not like how the characters were altered and simplified. The wife is much stronger in the book, not the timorous, shivering twig played by Shelly Duval. The son is also much more verbal and outgoing, but in the

Honestly, even at this smaller scale, that’s not a very good likeness.

Indeed!  His reach didn’t exceed his grasp, it was the exact inverse.

Now playing

I remember trying to watch a comedy special of his, and he drove out onto the stage on a motorcycle wearing a leather vest and looking all shiny and jacked. The audience was cheering and he was like “YEAH!”, all flex-y and flashing those massive chompers.

It was such an obvious and shallow of machismo, and I ultimately

Sounds like pure bollocks, and sadly I’m not surprised.

EXACTLY. Thank you! I have been firmly of this opinion with every sequel past T2.  The only part of the story that’s left is how the future war leads up to John sending Kyle back, which make it a perfect circle.

Oddly enough, there’s a four-issue mini-series called Robocop versus Terminator that actually does some

Would buy this in a heartbeat.  LOVED Dark Forces.  SO much.