
Have they made it possible to retrieve your base after the NEXT update?.

This guy. They can still be had, but the prices are too damn high!

Thank you!

Any word on when and where the new Alien shorts can be seen?

This is one of the first things that comes to mind when the next storm-in-a-teacup discussion starts over things like these.

Your second paragraph really struck a chord with me. I also happen to like Star Wars and Star Trek, Marvel and DC, and high brow art films as well as lowbrow stoner fare like “Grandma’s Boy.”

What I have found disturbing and often repulsive about most fandoms into which I’ve put a significant amount of time is how the

I don’t trust any reviews anymore for this reason. Every recent film I’ve seen that previewed great turned out to be just ok or actually bad.

The late 70's and early 80's are quite simply choked with these kinds of films. I would add Squirm, Frogs, Slugs, The Stuff, Creepers, Nightwing, Night of the Lepus, and The Swarm.

There should be a picture of her in the dictionary under “class.”

I’m SO excited for this film, especially after reading what DeBlois had to say about the kind of ending.

I think in the case of James Bond, multiple actors are easier because Bond never had a very distinctive personality to begin with. Connery is most beloved partially because he was first. I really enjoyed “Casino Royale” a lot, but damn I just feel so bad for Daniel Craig that every Bond film since has been utter

I don’t think the idea of a Solo origin story is necessarily a bad idea by itself, but the film was clearly not done with a love for the character and respect for the two primary reasons why the character is so beloved:

This was the peak of the series.

The look on Tim Allen’s face when he says: “You guys wanna see the ship?”

One of my absolute favorites designs.  Damn physics!  It’s beautiful.

Normally I loathe Tim Allen, but when he has that big, shit-eating grin on his face and says: “No, this is a starport for the ship.”

Now playing

It’s not a reveal, but when Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon shows up to rescue Luke during his trench run, well, I get goosebumps EVERY TIME.

WOW.  That looks BAD.  Just, wow.

I finally tried it on Netflix recently, and it was so dark and lifeless. It felt like everyone involved was chronically depressed and not doing a very good job of hiding it.

IMHO, the sequel is actually much better. When the family is isolated to their house, you don’t get reminded of the strong contrast between themselves and the “normal” world.