
Now I’ve thought more about it, I would choose Damien Chazelle’s “First Man.” One of my favorite films of recent years because it deftly balances the dramatic narrative of the race to the moon with the quiet suffering of a family in a time when emotional expression of such pain was frowned upon.

There are always exceptions, and 2001 is certainly one of the best. I will wholeheartedly agree that the characters are not the focus of the story, but they still play an integral part and are interesting given the limited time devoted to their backstories. Moreover, their terse behavior makes complete sense given

Thank you for calling them out as being “dumb.” I unabashedly love the first movie, but every single one after that has been just meh for me. This last one was SO long that by the time it was over I’d completely forgotten what the goal of the villain was or why anything was happening.

There are two replies to my comment that explain my feeling.

It’s not okay for me. If I don’t care about the characters then why am I watching their story? Narrative cleverness is not enough. If I don’t feel it, why waste my time? “The Prestige” is probably my favorite Nolan film because the story and the film are a magic trick, so I can appreciate the hollowness of the

Nolan has interesting ideas, but my issue with his movies is that the characters are rarely developed as much as the narrative.  IMHO, he’s a very cold director.  His films are beautiful and artfully constructed, but they are emotionally bereft.

I enjoyed the story structure of “Inception” but I had absolutely NO emotional investment in the characters. The film is very cleverly constructed, but it’s psychologically hollow.

HOLY F*CK. I just checked Amazon and you’re right!! NO Blu-Ray? No Director’s Cut Blu-Ray?! WTF!!

Horner’s main title theme for Wrath of Khan is my Star Trek theme with Undiscovered Country and First Contact fighting for second place.

Let’s just hope that we’ll be able to find the time to study all of these bones instead of treading water looking for Dryland.

Well, since his Day of the Dead remake is the only decent film he has, I’m not terribly surprised.

The fervent fanatacism of Star Wars fans, both inside and outside the film business, is such that I’ll wager even some folks in extremist religious sects would say: “Y’all need to dial it down a little bit.”

Lemme tell ya somethin’, kiddo, it gets pretty lonely when it’s just you against the world.  You should try not hating everything and everyone.  That way, your funeral won’t just be attended by the priest and a gravedigger.

You’re clueless and hilarious.  

The franchise has been dying since the third film. Regardless of the talent and the people involved, I just don’t see how this can be good.

Um, wow! This post should get the 2019 Storm In A Teacup award for taking something very trivial WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.

You obviously won’t hear this because you didn’t the first time, but I’ll state it again just to throw another pebble at the cracked and dirty glass through which you chose to view the world.

You are a sad, angry little person and you DON’T have my pity.

If she’d had half a fucking brain in her head (which you clearly don’t) she should have KNOWN than an item like that is going to be a problem when it comes providence. NASA doesn’t let any old Garage Sale Gertie buy their historical artifacts and then sell them for personal profit.

Certain kinds of testing require materials and the testing may alter or destroy those materials. She should know that. She also should have known that just because she bought the bag at an auction, that doesn’t mean that the bag came to the auction in the correct legal way.

Furthermore, even if she didn’t know that the