
“The Androemeda Strain” is my favorite. I love how it adheres to its procedural structure all the way through and still has a few action moments.

Let’s face it, the Ghostbusters franchise was DOA when “Ghostbusters 2 landed with a big, flat thud. Sure, it had a few good moments, but honestly, even the OG sequel was middling at BEST. The spark was gone. Even a kid in the theater back then, I remember disliking the fact that our heroes had been disgraced and

It’s still so hard to tell. If they can nail the childlike wonder and joy that they seem to want for the character, then it might work. But that can’t hold through the whole story, there has to be some growth. But the boy can’t be a dour adult at the end either. There still needs to be that spark of joy and optimism. 

Lasseter has made statements of contrition, but that’s not enough.

Staying up late AND watching classic Sci-Fi and Horror movies?
SO much win!

If I could afford it, I would seek out all the great eco-horror movies form the late seventies and early eighties like “Squirm”, “Night of the Lepus”, “Frogs”, “Creepers” and “Slugs.”  I know there’s more!

Thank you! I will definitely try that. The first time I played was at a friends house, and I did wander off into the blinding snow and actually died. It was really cool to be resurrected!

I’m not surprised. I hated “Unbreakable.” I didn’t even pay to see this film and I was still really pissed at the waste of my time. I thought it was like all of Shyamalan’s films: a long, sometimes interesting buildup to a big fuck you of a non-ending. Cinematic masturbation without the cathartic release of a real

I recently bought a PS3 just to play this game. My only complaint is that it wasn’t longer. Absolutely stunning. It reminded me of Okami in some stylistic and spiritual ways.

What a totally anticipated development!

Well, this is definitely the best trailer so far in terms of suggesting the story, introducing the characters and establishing a tone.

He reiterates many points too often but I wholeheartedly agree with the overall sentiment. The entire prank phone call sequence is so f*cking embarrassing, and it was the herald of a hurricane of red flags that TLJ was not going to be an improvement.

Indeed, the chances of anyone or any group of people, no matter who talented, being able to effectively recreate the style of animation and the personalities is virtually nil.

This has been my biggest problem with pretty much all Looney Tunes material since their heyday. Looney Tunes had their time. It’s over now. Stop putting Bugs Bunny and the Tasmanian Devil in modern clothing doing modern things using modern slang. It just doesn’t work.

IMHO, the rage directed at Jar-Jar was a classic case of psychological transference. Certain bitter and heartbroken fans just could not accept that Lucas had excreted such a dumb, silly and boring Star Wars movie, so they blamed it all on Jar-Jar because they couldn’t bring themselves to openly criticize their

Indeed! One thing you can definitely say is that the Prequels, while horribly written and directed, at least have a visual aesthetic, tone and story that feels cohesive across all three films.

This starts off great, but I don’t think early onset dementia should made to look funny and cute.  This short is actually quite depressing.

We’re so beyond the Emperor having no clothes.

Watching this latest entry continue burn after its resounding crash is really a bummer.

I’m not fully aware of all that was planned as I never got into the books or comics set after ROTJ, but I do know that Han was going to sacrifice himself for the Rebellion at some point, which would have fulfilled his transformation from amoral smuggler to a great Rebel leader.