
All I can say is James Gunn. If you haven't seen "Slither" or "Super", stop what you're doing right now and watch both of them. These two films are the reason I'm excited for this. I've never read the comics, but I have great faith in St. James!

My first thought as well. EPIC sadness. Although, casting Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman kinda LOUDLY announced that the filmmakers weren't interested AT ALL in respecting, much less reading the source material. I hope Josh Trank can work some magic!

Hit me right in the feels. Reminds of the end of "The Fountain."

Every. Single. One. His boundless joy and passion for the beauty, complexity and astonishing varitety of life on this little planet fills me with awe and reverence and always reminds how fortunate we are to have this tiny orb to call home.

I was crushed at how poorly "Watchmen" was adapted, but I wasn't totally surprised given the director. Zack Snyder was possibly the worst choice. How could he be counted on to get the aesthetic correct when he wasn't even alive in the time in which much of the story takes place? Aside from that, many of the actors

Seconded! I was so thrilled and amazed at how good this was, especially after the Stallone abomination which I will never watch.

My vote would probably go to "The Adventures of Pluto Nash." Hurrrrrgh. That effin' movie is a total vacuum, sucking everything around it. It's like a cinematic black hole!

If you didn't understand "The Fountain" then you weren't paying attention.

The wolf snout coming out of the mouth was "borrowed" from "The Company of Wolves." I also agree that a wolf is not a werewolf. Furthermore, this transformation makes no sense, even in a fantasy setting. I understand that they're trying to do something different, but it doesn't work for me. Wasting all those

I wholeheartedly agree! When I first saw the ads for the DVD release of the Clone Wars, I thought "Great, more bland, lifeless crap." Boy, was I ever happy to proved wrong! The two Clone Wars DVDs succinctly and brilliantly show how the prequel universe has fantastic creative and dramatic potential if you have an

No one has mentioned "The Food of the Gods" yet?

It's a HELL of a lot of fun! We did it for the first time at the second Saber Workshop which Matthew and Mark both led and was held at Mark's dojo in Hollister. What a HUGE difference between sparring and choreography! I thought choreography was hard! However, that was part of the point of the workshop, to show

Yeah, that parting shot was a bit much, I'll admit. My apologies!

Well shot, good atmosphere, and excellent production design. However, too much slo-mo in the action scenes for my tastes. Also, shouldn't her shorts at least cover her buttocks? I don't have a problem with a sexy costume, but let's at least do this character justice in the sense of her having a little modesty.

It's already happened.

Let's clarify a few things first. Neither Mark nor Matthew currently teach at Golden Gate Knights. The person who leads classes now has some limited experience, but nothing that would qualify them to be labelled as a instructor. Here is what Matthew would like to say to you, Lauren:

A clear case of the right face desperately needing the right voice. Does anyone want to imagine how silly Darth Vader would have been if James Earl Jones hadn't done the voice?

Now playing

If a lightsaber is your geek weapon of choice, then I would heartily recommend I am friends with the two gentlemen who founded this site and the saber combat system that you can learn if you purchase their DVD's. The system is deceptively simple, but very rewarding! For example, I was in poor

I'm sure that the situation varies upon the tormentor, but if I'd had the confidence back then, there are a few people whom I would have given my full physical attention. Some people can be ignored, others must be physically confronted because it's all they understand. Sorry if their parents humiliate them at home,

Superlative designs, every single one! Amazing!!