
Not that anyone cares, but as someone who was a BBY/Geek Squad employee for ~5 years, 100% agree with your assessment that the HD stories hit very close to home. Inventory people in particular, despite being the #1 most important employees in any given BBY as far as ensuring their largely low-margin stock is both

It’s been done.

Who has? Outside of a certain collective imagination that this is clearly marketing to, I mean.

(feel free to delete this once it’s gone, but: echolalia in first sentence.)

It was definitely a problem that definitely existed. It’s such a problem, in fact, that it made me completely unwilling to keep playing a game that had me screaming “I LOVE THIS” virtually every second that wasn’t spent in interrogations.

I can read people IRL better than average, mostly thanks to a lot of time spent


#1 is a baffling argument. There is nothing to also stop those digital releases from coming out, nor would they cannibalize sales to any significant degree. They are not for the same demographics, just as the NES Classic is not primarily intended for the same demo as people that already own something with Virtual

Why? Because other nerds will have things you don’t have?

That’s kind of the whole point, to the kind of nerd who buys things specifically because other nerds won’t have them. Some people measure dicks via something like cars or sports ability, others measure dicks via such as getting a poop-colored version of a


Now let’s get on with a Criterion Collection of Gaming already. The only thing that ever was holding such a thing back besides market demand was cost of repros, and obviously they’re cheap AF to make now esp for games without battery backup.

It’s so simple. Repro cart that is obviously a repro. Art/interview

Additional problem: even if you want to somehow justify the 1985 date because NES release or whatever, the internal logic would suggest they should have used the US date in 1987 as Zelda 1’s release year. What a goddamn mess of an idea.

This might blow your mind, but if you can set aside the cynical “they say it’s one thing, but I think it’s not actually that” mentality for a moment: it’s both.

 As are a lot of things that draw similar responses. There’s a phrase, something about birds and how you can kill more than one with a single stone? Whatever

So when’s WWE coverage coming back?


Yeah, turns out when you set a low bar, things sail right over it.

Hi there- if you’re willing to be patient, SCUMMvm will have support for it in the future. They’re working on it, anyway, and they confirmed to me that they’re trying to improve the look of the voxel graphics as well.

Even if you do get it working on a modern OS (i’ve done it twice now using guides online + a real

Customer, singular. It’s also easy to listen to people you agree with, especially when it’s only one of them. In a funny/interesting case like this, you can even parade your response to feedback around to try and get people to write responses exactly like yours. As you demonstrated, it works.

Why stop there? F-Zero collection.

Okay, but will our friendships be safe?

It’s important to remember that shows like this were written by 20-30 somethings when contemporary, which means anything you watch is drawing on their life experiences up to that point. In short, it’s why so many Simpsons episodes referred to stuff that happened specifically in the 70s and early 80s. It wasn’t a