
Step 1: Look at the prices & consider why there’s such a tremendous price gulf.

I wish “immersion” wasn’t such a weasel word with mostly malleable meaning. It usually only gets thrown around when someone has no real argument, but wants to pretend like they do; usually when trying to justify not liking a game that other people do. Protip: it’s okay to not like things and not have a made up reason

From the perspective of virtually anyone who’s never been hardcore into an online game, and especially anyone who’s never been long-term horny/lonely & unable to do anything about it besides pay people to spend time with them, it’s pretty strange (as in “hard to understand”) by most dictionary definitions. What’s

Um, pretty sure it’s right there in Kotaku’s mission statement that the only reason any article about anything is posted is to tell us which of the two possible human emotions to feel about it: love, or hate.

Then we’ll all agree with you and tell you how great you are, because why would we ever regularly visit a site

I think you may be vastly overestimating the number of people who actually give a shit.

People with lives generally forgive and forget, only people whose entire lives revolve around a certain specific video game (or games) generally don’t. Especially given the general whole-world chaos that’s been the last couple


Regardless, if you were to make an icon rendering of a tablet, what would it look like?

If you were a know-nothing consumer other than knowing the general idea of a tablet, and you saw what the Wii U’s gamepad looks like, what are you instantly going to associate it with? A tablet, duh. Keep in mind, you have to put

Correct in as much that movie theatres kept at it long after the consumer electronics market had virtually abandoned it. This makes sense, as they would have invested quite a lot in the equipment.

It has, but not because of the 3D functionality that was supposed to be its primary motivator to buy one.

Remember that the Wii was a tremendous crossover success. You’re kidding yourself if they didn’t think that they might be able to capture non-gamers once again by throwing a desirable shiny object (a tablet) into the mix. “Oh wow, Nintendo made a tablet? A tablet is something I wanted anyway, even though I am

Both the 3DS & Wii U were direct reactions to things that were going on in the consumer electronics space during their development: 3D, and tablets. Turns out, by the time the 3DS and then Wii U launched, consumer excitement for both concepts was on a downturn. Well, that and anyone who wanted a tablet already had

That’s a what-we-think-we-know perspective. Are you certain it was wholly unintentional? If so, based on what concrete evidence?

Something like this is likely an easy fix, esp since it could be fixed through a little emulator fuckery, which begs the question: why hasn’t it been fixed if it’s unintentional?

This isn’t

You are correct.

It was absolutely part of the reasoning. I’m not going to be able to give you a specific page number in a specific issue of EGM or whatever, but yes, that wasn’t baseless speculation on their part and was in fact pretty widely reported when contemporary. I’m sure you could do your own research on this if you really

May not a season pass?!??!?!! I’m preordering this immediately.

More extant and more popular than in the West, yes, but thriving... may be a stretch.

All that wind chapping adds up on one’s face, even those of the hedgehogier among us.

This was my first thought, too. Typically you can’t even put in things any way but the right way, including CPUs, and if you *do* struggle, it’s usually a sign that you’re doing something completely wrong and should maybe stop doing things that way. I didn’t once while dismounting a ‘02 vintage CPU fan and ended up

Oh hey, it’s the series that got licensed for a JP-only minigame/puzzle collection on N64. One of the many totally 2D games that never reached other shores.

It also wasn’t claymation, simply 3D based on previously claymation characters.