NIB is always another story, derp.
NIB is always another story, derp.
Will you accept stop motion? Including if it also involves digitized humans?
You are correct that those figures are awesome.
You are incorrect that they are presently expensive.
In my experience- dudes who get creepy want to look good for girls, but they especially want to look good to their nearby dudes. The internal rift in these situations tends to cause a certain escalation of the crudeness of discourse, inevitably treading on creepy territory even if it starts innocently enough. It’s not…
Sorry if someone already pointed this out, but this joke was originally (afaik) popularized by The Onion in an infographic sidebar of most common birth names by race. It’s in one of their first compilation books, Dispatches from the Seventh Circle I think.
White names were all shit like Jayydenn, Black names were all…
I used to write off the first two games for (in my eyes) leaning too much on the novelty of exploring a huge & mostly empty 3D space (it was novel, once!) while sacrificing enjoyability at nearly every turn except the weapon loadout.
I started playing through 2 recently in earnest on the N64, and I’m actually coming…
I came here to write exactly this. Shelf space is an actual concern in retail, contrary to the ignorance of some of the people replying here- if there’s 16 feet* (4 four-foot sections) to dedicate to stuff like this and Funkos take 12, that leaves only 4 for everything else.
This means Funkos not only don’t have to…
I’m sincerely glad it’s not just me that’s noticed it, and I’ve really been doing my best to keep confirmation bias (specifically, not falling into a mental trap of “everything my generation does is good, everything done by every other generation is terrible”) out of the equation while observing it.
It’s seriously so…
Something that articles like this always fail to emphasize: fans of these people skew VERY young. People who are VERY young often have significantly more actual free time than even late teenagers and exponentially less as we age. VERY young people are also not often mature or emotionally nuanced, are often…
Does being well known increase your skill level? Because I’d think being a skilled speedrunner is more important than being a well known one, in terms of reducing overall completion time. Maybe that’s just me.
Nah, I’m definitely looking at this in a totally valid way. History bears it out time and time and time and time again.
Your way of looking at things may be valid, too, but you’re describing a broader group of people and a broader series of social concepts than I am. At least, I think, I keep getting lost on the way to…
There’s no denying that it at least correlates to a certain kind of arrested development.
But if we’re looking deeper, it’s because the more money you have, the less likely you are to have people tell you “no.” And history has shown over and over and over and over and over and over again that people who don’t get told…
That’s certainly what the title screen says.
This is what I think people are most critically failing to understand about Trump: in his head, he is more or less literally living in ~1974-1979, and appears to have no notable updated cultural points of reference since then. In his narrative, such as The Warriors & Death Wish are documentaries.
I’ve been tracking…
Someone needs to tell him about the emollients clause.
I’ll buy that, and did buy it back in the day. I didn’t have nearly as much fun with Street in terms of the peaks it reached compared to Midway’s games, but at the same time I put way more hours into actually playing through Street’s single-player mode so that has to count for something.
Nah, 3's great. With as story heavy as Turok is in theory, the linear Half-Life’ing of it worked well to actually tell one. It has its issues (voice acting! framerate!) and is probably a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 where 5 is average (not bad, just mediocre) and 9 is Goldeneye, but it’s a better-than-the-sum-of-its-parts…
I dunno, I mean, the first 2 Turok games are just explore ‘em ups. Kinda like a real-time Myst with guns & violence. I’ve started to like #2 a bit more as I’ve come around to realizing this (as opposed to treating Turok 1 & 2 like a Doom or Goldeneye- doing so will make you hate it), but how big is the audience likely…
As a reminder, no NBA Jam released after TE and before the EA reboot is an NBA Jam game. It may be called NBA Jam, sure, but only because Acclaim bought the name due in large part to how well the console versions they published sold- and then proceeded to make extremely (pun intended) mediocre games using the name. In…