Metroid doesn’t crawl, dude.
Metroid doesn’t crawl, dude.
Their problem. If they dealt from strength, they wouldn’t get crushed every time.
If they had that talent, they should have used it before deciding their project was ready to upload.
Pretty sure it’s more filling in the lost-revenue gap, between YT Red, overall changes to monetization policies/ContentID. and the fact that the more content people create, the harder it is for individual content to stand out UNLESS the subject matter is absurdly unique OR it’s on a channel that’s already popular OR…
Names are absurdly important. The amount to which they’re important matters less or more depending on context, but for example most people would think twice before displaying a DVD of Two Fingers Double Anal Nazi Bitches on their shelf unless there’s specific and highly obvious context for it to be there. Names,…
You’re right, no need. Thanks!
Context clues. Use them. And it’s not that I’m trying to diminish your input- it was already small, because it was the most trite response possible. It’s like if someone started listing pizza restaurants in a local area and your sole contribution was “don’t forget Pizza Hut!”
Thanks, Lester Literal. You are describing second party developers, and probably knew exactly what I meant.
That’s a Capcom game, besides the fact that figuratively everyone knows about Master D. Golgo 13 TSE would have been a more impressive Hidden Hitler to try and tack to my post, but again, not a Nintendo developed game.
That’s not even Nintendo’s only game with Hitler! Super Famicom Wars features him, too.
Have you played it lately? I was pleasantly surprised by it at the time, and didn’t even hate the controls *that* much though I’m sure personal joint hypermobility is mostly the reason it was tolerable.
My gut feeling is that it’s aged like salad, but I have nothing concrete to back that up with.
FFX-3 confirmed.
So I’m sure someone has already pointed this out, but the reason they’ve “reality tv-ified” the Olympics is because more women watch them than men. Women, on the whole, tend to care more about the journey (both the micro and macro of it) to the game than just the game at hand. That’s not to say women don’t care about…
Not that it matters, but at least one of these images was lifted from More Games About Buildings And Food on Tumblr/Twitter. Which was inadvertently featured here before indirectly, when the Food In Games Tumblr was covered.
It’s almost like that’s a completely different kettle of fish.
Thank you! Just scored a book deal based on that post’s incredible success, so it seems you’re not the only one who sees what you see.
we’ve both made this joke now. :)
I looked up the Wikipedia article for this, and it does not go to literal hell. Seems more like Titanic Takes Manhattan.